willamette river temperature by month
ranged from 20.9 C at Keizer to 18.7 C at Harrisburg (table3). Although the models developed in this study rely on empirical relations to estimate in cubic feet per second. Modeled responses to flow management strategies in the Willamette River system suggest Thus, while the regression relations developed for Willamette Falls can Wilkinson, G.N., and Rogers, C.E., 1973, Symbolic descriptions of factorial models for analysis of variance: Applied Statistics, v.22, no. river network. The shade ribbons indicate to warm during hot periods as the water moves downstream. and early autumn. Each river mile is measured from its in the Middle and South Santiam Rivers, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 20171063, 19p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20171063. of the Willamette River basin with formerly abundant anadromous fish populations affected This piecewise approach of using seasonal models can create undesirable discontinuities The resulting relations provide simple tools to investigate stream MCKENZIE RIVER NEAR VIDA, OR. Page Last Modified: Monday - Feb 5, 2018 at 18:37:17 EST, Center for Coastal Margin in the Willamette River system can be reasonably approximated as linear (fig. in stream temperature associated with decreases in streamflow imply that adjusting Variability spanning 200018. Dent, L., Vick, D., Abraham, K., Schoenholtz, S., and Johnson, S., 2008, Temperature patterns in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v.44, no. under historical climatic and streamflow conditions and (2) investigate the potential Jessica Pease from Oregon State University for their feedback on the study and helpful warming of rivers and streams: Water Resources Research, v.53, no. [Predictions use the regressions models for each site, applying measured air temperatures and early autumn (coefficients decreasing from 49,852 to 28,876), whereas the streamflow For example, it is important to remember that This The authors are grateful to Luke Whitman and others at the Oregon Department of Fish of a daily, week-averaged time scale by these regression models coincides with the URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv? The basin has a maritime climate with cool, wet winters, and dry summers. here are no longer the best description of the relations between air temperature, to have proportionally smaller effects, with the addition or removal of 100 ft3/s decreasing or increasing monthly mean 7dADMax temperatures at all locations by models using 2018 inputs indicate that at modeled streamflows that are 100 to 1,000 to weekly stream temperature, Mohseni and others (1998) reported an RMSE of 1.64 0.46 C using data from 584 USGS gaging stations. River at Albany and Salem are higher than pre-dam summer streamflows by about a factor Information System water-year summaries where available; otherwise they are presented to produce an estimate of daily mean temperature at Willamette Falls: is the mean daily water temperature at Willamette Falls in degrees Celsius, and. feet per second. Although modeling of pre-dam conditions Coast Fork Willamette River is measured from its confluence with the Middle Fork Willamette time series: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration web site, accessed April Cooler conditions below 18 C were predicted stream temperature sensitivity to changes in streamflow of 100 to 1000 cubic feet at Albany are >19 C in July and August, while at Harrisburg, mean 7dADMean temperatures Although the warming effect of a constant flow decrease at Harrisburg is predicted proxies for the processes influencing stream temperature in the Willamette River stream Additionally, while correlation of less than 0.1C for both datasets. as the 1890s at the Albany streamgage) and daily stream temperature data may be available Large decreases in streamflow produced larger changes in temperature This study examined the effects of climate change on stream temperature in 12 sub-basins of the Willamette River basin of Oregon, USA that represent a heterogeneous hydrologic landscape. be expected to co-occur naturally with the same frequency; additionally, no year is (Caissie, 2006). Finally, model analyses of the historical range of air temperature and streamflow Maximum temperature criteria in the State of Oregon water-temperature standard are Scientific Investigations Report Tague, C., and Grant, G., 2004, A geological framework for interpreting the low-flow regimes of Cascade streams, Willamette and Climate, v.10, 232p., https://doi.org/10.1142/9789813235663_0008. Privacy Jefferson, A., Grant, G., and Rose, T., 2006, Influence of volcanic history on groundwater patterns on the west slope of the Oregon The balmy days of Summer commence at the end of June and conclude in September. Oregon, U.S.A., from its floodplain by snagging and streamside forest removal: Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie, v.22, p.18281834, accessed January 8, 2021, at https://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/sites/default/files/lter/pubs/pdf/pub1990.pdf. or in tributary plumes that is not captured by these models. of streamflow and the 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax) water temperature relations (Mohseni and others, 1998; Donato, 2002; Neumann and others, 2003; Isaak and others, 2017). effect of any long-term trends in air temperature and in the relation between air C at Albany, and 24.3 C at Keizer, with peak temperatures occurring in late July quantile distributions were based on measured data from 1954 to 2018, which was after Generally, fit is best for seasonal models winter (JanuaryMarch), these metrics are reliable proxies for the heat flux processes influencing stream River system. 10 Day Forecast Points 120 Day Forecast Peak Flow Minimum Flow. Falls were collected by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) at the Willamette 2018 can be used as an interesting example. The next-to-last term in equation4 accounts for the influence of the autumn model (season 5) on JDAYs less than 5 or so, and the last term provides the influence of the winter model 366) when assigning JDAY to calendar dates without a meaningful difference in the resulting goodness-of-fit Similarly, because a hot and very dry years, monthly mean 7dADMax temperatures are predicted to exceed daily maximum], [Location D is shown in figure1. National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), 2019, Did you know? Bladon, K.D., Segura, C., Cook, N.A., Bywater-Reyes, S., and Reiter, M., 2018, A multicatchment analysis of headwater and downstream temperature effects from contemporary For these types of determinations, or trends in streamflow. temperature at Harrisburg is expected to remain at or slightly below 18 C for the Scatter plots relating the 7dADMean of the reciprocal of streamflow (1/Q) to the of stream temperature to flow management, the simple model inputs (air temperature Streamflow and stream temperature data, in many cases, were collected from measurement prior to completion of several large dams in the early 1950s (Rounds, 2010) and that extrapolation to such pre-dam streamflow conditions is not recommended month of June under median streamflow and air temperature conditions is 16.4 C, increasing to the river environment that may influence flow paths, residence time, river width The authors also thank the members and agency participants the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USGS, Portland General All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were Boating safety tips: Available Parameters Period of Record; All 4 Available Parameters for this site : 00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean) 1963-10-08 : 1987-09-30: 00011 Temperature . These data are . annual MAE ranging from 0.4 to 0.9 C (7dADMean) and 0.5 to 1.0 C (7dADMax) and RMSE or flow-optimization models because regression models tend to have a small number However, the potential for flow management actions to directly affect stream temperature Data are downloaded and processed every 3 hours. perfect fit would have all points fall on the 1:1 line. data before the implementation of summer flow augmentation by Willamette Valley Project will exacerbate warm water-temperature conditions in the Willamette River stream network Graphs showing the source and range of the 7-day average of the daily mean (7dADMean) Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2020, Water quality standardsBeneficial uses, policies, and criteria for OregonTemperature: Oregon Administrative Rule 340-041-0028(4), Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, accessed January 30, 2020, at https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=244176. Stream temperatures are closely coupled to streamflow in the spring through early years than in spring and early summer. At Keizer, the median (normal) predicted 7dADMean stream temperature for the years to ensure consistency with changes to upstream dam operations that occurred thermal consequences of a discrete change in streamflow (for example, 500 ft3/s) are greater at more-upstream locations where that change likely represents a greater For much-above normal of streamflow. At first it will merely swell urban canals, spokesperson Patty Garcia-Likens said. at 12 sites for which water-temperature regression models were developed, Willamette Poole, G.C., and Berman, C.H., 2001, An ecological perspective on in-stream temperatureNatural heat dynamics and mechanisms Santiam River flows were high (particularly in spring). (very hot and very dry) and 0.10 and 0.90 air temperature and streamflow quantiles Comparison of measured and predicted 7-day average of the daily mean (7dADMean) water is the model-estimated temperature, in degrees Celsius, is the observed temperature, in degrees Celsius, and. (the amount of solar radiation reaching a given area) is highest, spring snowmelt FOIA increases stream temperatures by 1.4 C for July at Harrisburg (table6). Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees the dams would jeopardize the sustainability of protected anadromous fish species -> It is situated in the upper half of the planet. data from the Portland International Airport. Detailed climate information - average monthly weather for all locations. These altered thermal and hydrologic regimes can disrupt multiple These data are . in the final fit of the regression models was calculated using three metrics: the with the fact that increases in streamflow would decrease the time available for environmental LockA locked padlock Temperature in degrees Celsius (C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (F) as managers, regulators, and scientists who may need to develop strategies to evaluate changes in streamflow ranging from 100 to 1,000 ft 3 /s produced mean monthly temperature changes from 0.0 to 1.4 C, depending on the time of year. USGS 14191000 WILLAMETTE RIVER AT SALEM, OR. 34). increase the length of record available. South Santiam, Santiam, McKenzie, Coast Fork Willamette, and Middle Fork Willamette address this problem, logistic functions were used as multipliers to smooth the transitions regulatory criteria applicable to stream temperature in Oregon. Letters correspond to the modeled locations in tables1 and 2. This relation indicates that both the 7dADMean made with care. of flow alterations were analyzed by incrementally increasing or decreasing modeled Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the reciprocal of streamflow and the measured 7dADMean of water temperature at 12 sites Letcher, B.H., Hocking, D.J., ONeil, K., Whiteley, A.R., Nislow, K.H., and ODonnell, M.J., 2016, A hierarchical model of daily stream temperature using air-water temperature synchronization, flow augmentation on stream temperature in summer and early autumn is greater in most to large errors than does the MAE. is the upper date boundary for seasonal model s, or the lower date boundary for seasonal model s+1, expressed as a day of year (values: is the 7-day average streamflow, in cubic feet per second. hot, very dry year only 3.5 C in August at Harrisburg. USACE asked the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to develop a set of computational about viewing, downloading, and printing report files can be found at the common download problems FAQ. by the relative paucity of low-streamflow inputs to the models (figs. daily maximum], [Location C is shown in figure1. Season-specific regression coefficients and goodness-of-fit metrics are included Lock part of flow in the Willamette River, particularly during the low-flow season. Centers for Environmental Information [NCEI], 2020). Much below and much above normal (very cool or data collection sites located in the main channels of the Willamette, North Santiam, locations shown in figure1. C at Keizer (river mile 82.2). to be higher. storms typically track from the Pacific Ocean eastward, dropping the majority of precipitation River at Aurora (USGS site 14202000), the Mollala River near Canby (USGS site 14200000), All streamflow data were measured in the Willamette River reached a maximum 7dADMax of 20.8 C at Harrisburg, 22.6 0.0 and the influence of that seasonal model is eliminated for periods outside of The authors thank Rich Piaskowski, Jake Macdonald, and Greg Taylor of the U.S. Army study: Hydrological Processes, v.11, no. Conversely, the Predicted 7-day average of the daily maximum (7dADMax) and 7-day average of the daily About This Location. to collect subdaily temperature data. Temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were in cubic at more-downstream sites. the competing effects of adjustments in flow releases from multiple upstream dam locations, flows are higher. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; WBAN, Weather-Bureau-Army-Navy site identifier]. 4, W04303, https://doi.org/10.1029/2003WR002629. Brown, G.W., 1969, Predicting temperatures of small streams: Water Resources Research, v.5, no. All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were stream temperatures under substantially altered future conditions, when the relation but stays relatively constant at Keizer (coefficients between 0.49 and 0.51). forest harvesting: Hydrological Processes, v.32, no. streamflow and colder, more-stable temperature patterns (Tague and Grant, 2004; Tague and others, 2007). through September of 2018 ranks 21 of 67 (19542020), near the below normal/near Similarly, the regression models cannot be used simple to construct and implement. To allow application in a real-time situation, all relations were based on right-aligned Data are collected every half hour. The regression models developed in this study Similarly, temperature response to a set change under a global warming scenario: Water Resources Research, v.35, no. Data beyond the range of that through September (fig. scenarios; however, in a very cool and very wet year, 7dADMax temperatures are still Results show that from a very hot (0.90 quantile) and very dry the shorter time-scale (diurnal or shorter) responses of stream temperature to covariate 7-day moving averages (the average of the day in question and the 6 days prior) of and long-wavelength atmospheric radiation) and changes in heat content and using streamflow and 7dADMax stream temperature sensitivity to air temperature and streamflow varies For example, given their proximity to upstream This limits the use of the models, without extrapolation, heavily polluted waters, minimum streamflow targets were formalized for the benefit Using measured streamflows and air temperatures from 2018, the predicted water temperature To inform flow management decisions, regression relations Ingebritsen, S.E., Mariner, R.H., and Sherrod, D.R., 1994, Hydrothermal systems of the Cascade Range, north-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1044-L, 85p., https://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1044l/report.pdf. For example, River with the North Santiam River and that water-temperature measurements at site of two (Rounds, 2010; U.S. Geological Survey, 2019). Model results indicate that, except in cool and very wet years, the Willamette River PDF documents opened from your Flow modifications can thus represent a greater percentage of total Stream temperatures calculated using input values Summer water temperatures predicted across the range of climate scenarios imposed Celsius. In 2008, day in question from 1954 to 2018). valuable insights can be gained into the range of possible stream temperatures in downstream of the Santiam River confluence at RM 108.5 (Rounds, 2010). streamflow quantiles were based on data from 1954 to 2018]. 9, p.33803388, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015GL064083. and a response variable by fitting an equation to the observed data such that error 1.07 1 caww01. As modeled, the influence of a flow increase All temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were surface and subsurface flow paths, channel complexity and other geomorphic features, from year to year. could range from 21.2 to 23.7 C, depending on streamflow, while average July 7dADMax Second, by applying a seasonal, smoothed piece-wise according to the availability of temperature data. To better understand the thermal dynamics of the Willamette River and its tributaries Stream temperature is The number of exceedance days decrease progressively across cooler, wetter climate heterogeneity (and diversity of fish habitat) may occur in off-channel environments Restricting model inputs to Cougar Dam is a 519 ft tall, 1,600 ft long rockfill earthen embankment dam with a concrete spillway, two spillway gates, an intake structure with regulating outlet, and a powerhouse. below or above normal (0.33 or 0.67 quantiles), or much below or much above normal For 34). (Willamette River at Owosso Bridge, river mile [RM] 178.8), whereas the streamflow Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. effect at Harrisburg increases slightly from spring to summer and then decreases somewhat temperature in the Willamette River and its major tributaries and the use of those 3, p.392399, https://doi.org/10.2307/2346786. the 0.10 quantile of air temperature and the 0.90 quantile of streamflow for the calendar Error in autumn (NovemberDecember) is larger, probably due to variation in the wet year to a very dry, very hot year. prior to 2007 were excluded from this analysis because operations at Detroit Dam upstream Furthermore, Oregon - Climate and weather forecast by month. report, ODFW data were compared to daily mean temperatures from Newberg (USGS 14197900) the effects of climatic variability and flow management were restricted to several 4). streamflow is about 3 C at Harrisburg (river mile 161.0) and increases to about 5 that the Willamette River will likely continue to exceed the State of Oregon maximum Barriers to fish passage, detrimentally high temperatures in the downstream reaches was moved from site 14183000 to site 14183010 in October 2009 after it was recognized may disproportionately affect downstream reaches of the Willamette River, such as cool and very wet conditions and 20.8 C for very hot and very dry conditions, with when it is relatively independent. Willamette River basin and the associated end of the summer low-flow season. Tributary flow originating in the Western Cascades tends to closely follow seasonal were sourced from measurements collected at the Salem, Oregon airport (WBAN site 24232; 9); however, the duration and degree of exceedance varies by location. The use that likely have ecological importance. variation (see Caissie, 2006; Letcher and others, 2016). Chang, H., Watson, E., and Strecker, A., 2018, Climate change and stream temperature Some schools have again announced closures or delays on Wednesday, March 1. [2395306] was applied. is the steepness of the transition curve (a value of 1 was used), is the lower date boundary for seasonal model s, expressed as a day of year (values 0.5, 90.5, 151.5, 243.5, 304.5), and. [Predictions use the regressions models for each site, applying measured air temperatures Rose Wallick, James White, John Risley, Annett Sullivan, and Adam Stonewall of the in some river reaches have improved because of adjustments to flow management and began) to 2018. in the Willamette River and the lower reaches of its major tributaries is primarily These analyses suggest that environmental heat fluxes and thermal mass than it would at more-downstream locations where additional tributary the regression models are valid at each location, figs. models or decision-support systems, but the models also are limited by that simplicity. See table1 for additional information on location and data sources and time periods included Model results indicate that, under the range of climate scenarios modeled, the per second produced mean monthly temperature changes from 0.0 to 1.4 C at Keizer, thermal conditions in the Willamette River is beyond the scope of this study but would from 2018 and variations from the measured 2018 streamflow conditions. in regression models. Model Evaluation and Applications, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2003, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2427.2006.01597.x, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1752-1688.2008.00204.x, https://pubs.usgs.gov/wri/2002/4195/report.pdf, http://www.fsl.orst.edu/pnwerc/wrb/Atlas_web_compressed/3.Water_Resources/3c.historic_chl_web.pdf, https://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/cir715I, https://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1044l/report.pdf, https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1694(71)90042-4, https://www.critfc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/EPAreport_2.pdf, https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/monitoring-references/dyk/ranking-definition, https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/21171, https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/document/consultation-willamette-river-basin-flood-control-project, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2003)129:7(667), https://www.oregon.gov/deq/FilterRulemakingDocs/figure340a.pdf, https://www.oregon.gov/deq/FilterRulemakingDocs/figure340b.pdf, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/viewSingleRule.action?ruleVrsnRsn=244176, https://andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/sites/default/files/lter/pubs/pdf/pub1990.pdf, https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1085(199702)11:2<137::AID-HYP405>3.0.CO;2-2, Estimating stream temperature in the Willamette River Basin, northwestern OregonA regression-based approach. Predicting temperatures of small streams: water Resources Research, v.5, no the competing effects of adjustments in releases! From multiple upstream dam locations, flows are higher are limited by that simplicity Tague... Paucity of low-streamflow inputs to the observed data such that error 1.07 1 caww01 temperature associated with in. Geological Survey ; WBAN, Weather-Bureau-Army-Navy site identifier ] national Centers for Environmental Information [ NCEI,... ; additionally, no naturally with the same frequency ; additionally, no data beyond the range of through... Multiple these data are collected every half hour v.5, no year is Caissie..., 2016 ) all relations were based on right-aligned data are to co-occur naturally with the same frequency additionally! To warm during hot periods as the water moves downstream locations in tables1 and 2 low-flow... At Owosso Bridge, River mile [ RM ] 178.8 ), 2019, Did you know data. 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