iranian culture family values and beliefs in healthcare

Seven major themes emerged: respect for dignity, professional integrity, professional commitment, developing human relationships, justice, honesty, and promoting individuals and the nursing profession. The interview guide was primarily based on the questions used in the Swedish study (Ahmadi, Citation2015); however, some cultural considerations were applied during production of the final protocol. such as religious beliefs, social norms, and family values. According to Majlesi (Citation1982) (a very important religious figure in Iran) (p. 209), the reward (savab) of pilgrimage of Imam Rezas tomb in Mashhad (Iran) is equal to one thousand hajes- pilgrim to Macca. They are beliefs, ideas, and principles that are specific to your home and how it functions. For those who find themselves in a life crisis, such as a serious illness like cancer, ziyarat is a safe shortcut to reaching God and obtaining His blessing and help. Conceptualisations of cheshm eye (in Persian), Psychological effects of ziyarat on mental health and life of human, Uppsala University, Department of Sociology. Indeed, many of the older generation in particular find modern dating practices dishonourable and can be ashamed of their sons and especially their daughters if they engage in it. Examples include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure, and about half of the Somali refugees and asylum-seekers suffer from a combination of two or more of these conditions (Gerritsen et al., 2006). It is a kind of charity, helping people in need. According to Khoshkjan (Citation2016, p. 4), one of the most important motivations for pilgrimage is enjoying its savab (a spiritual reward). Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. View. Even Iranians that leave the house as husband and wife can draw negative attention. Mexican Family Culture: Important Values, Traditions, and Beliefs. Broadly, one could make the distinction that the educated of society are more liberal whilst those in rural areas are generally more conservative. For example, the younger Iranian generation generally do not feel the need to stringently apply the honour code and will often hide certain shameful actions they consider reasonable from the older generations, who might be deeply offended by such behaviours. Here believing in the evil eye was in focus. . With this technique I tried to create an image of whatever I would like to happen in the future. According to research published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour by Erin Cornwell of Cornell University and Linda Waite of the University of Chicago, social relationships are particularly important for those coping with mental illness; social withdrawal aggravates loneliness, stress, and feelings of low self-worth. Education, wealth and ethnic or tribal associations can all affect a persons social standing. culture and values, Nigerians progressively imbibed the white-men's way of life and values (Nwabuisi, 2000). We learn from our parents, but also from our surroundings, or maybe we ourselves choose such beliefs consciously. Eyes, although tremendously important in sexual and affectional relations, are also regarded an important body part because they can attract evil. We will try by sociologically analyzing the results, to discuss the role of cultural beliefs in coping. Im not dependent on anything or anybody. Role of Mother: Traditionally, Hmong mothers nurture and take care of the children. I think one thing that helped me was to walk this path alone. The interviews varied in length, from around one hour to one and half hours. The notion of solidarity helps us to understand how people of different generations relate to, help and depend on one another in their daily lives. Conflict related to cultural beliefs within healthcare commonly arises during times of significant life change. Then, an expert panel of five individuals, who were proficient in both English and Persian as well as experts in Health Psychology and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, reviewed the translation and confirmed it, requesting some revisions so as to minimise the differences between the English version and the target Persian form. Cultural is a comprehensive concept that contains children's states of health, illness, and well-being. Therefore, people could proceed from the idea that God does not intervene, but is supportive of the individual throughout the coping process. Cultural behaviors have important implications for human health. Culture influences the health comprehension, treatment options, and diagnostic claims of an individual. As Ahmadi and Ahmadi (Citation2018) point out: In this model, the concepts and topics of the religious and spiritual domains overlap to some extent. Completely surrounded by God, I put myself and my destiny in His hands. Islam is practiced by the majority of Iranians and governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. The coding based on the themes found in the study used a template analysis style, a theory-driven analysis (Malterud, Citation2014), while categorisation of the themes was based on the results obtained in other studies in the project (Ahmadi, Citation2006, Citation2015; Ahmadi & Ahmadi, Citation2018; Ahmadi et al., Citation2017; Ahmadi, Ahmadi, Erbil, & Cetrez Citation2016). It is in the remembrance of Allh alone that the hearts really find peace.Footnote3 Holy places may play the role of a safe haven in which one can experience peace and safety a place to freely discharge negative affects and emotions; this may be similar to the idea of catharsis. However, many Iranians refer to this as the surface culture in which people act as their zaaher (visible) identity. Generally, young adults hide the existence of their girlfriend or boyfriend from their parents (especially the father) until they have ascertained that their relationship will lead to marriage. perceived severity. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To explore specific cultural and religious beliefs and values concerning death and dying, truth telling . An orienting system is formed by the culture and affects the individuals life. Permission will be required if your reuse is not covered by the terms of the License. Inscriptions from the Achaemenid Persian Empire (c. 550-330 BCE) reference the kings' religious beliefs - which may have been the early polytheistic faith or the later Zoroastrian monotheism - and religion continued to play a central role in the later Parthian Empire (247 BCE-224 CE) and, to a much greater degree, in the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE) which made Zoroastrianism the state . While some households may employ servants, others may struggle to put food on the table. According to Aflakseir and Coleman (Citation2011): The Quran emphasises clearly that the difficulties in this world are to test the believer and also asking people to have patience in facing their problems. The interesting point is that some interviewees, who do not identify themselves as religious, have also told us they have used these practices. Thus, the belief system, ways of thinking and lifestyle of an individual are chiefly culturally constructed. 6. Self-Directing Religious Coping is a search for control directly through individual initiative rather than help from God. When it is less vital to the orientation system, and less relevant to life experiences, it plays a less important role in coping (Ahmadi, Citation2006; Ellison, Citation1991; Ferraro & Koch, Citation1994; Kesselring, Dodd, Lindsey, & Strauss, Citation1986). All research groups checked all interview drafts and verified all codes and categorizations. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Middle Eastern nation located at the crossroads between Arab Asia and Central Asia. A fatalistic attitude about sickness may make Asian patients/families seem resigned to their situation. Here we present the results on Religious Coping Methods. As concerns religious coping, we started from the Five Key Religious Functions that constitute the basis of RCOPE (Pargament, Koenig, & Perez, Citation2000, p. 521). Elderly relatives are kept at home, not placed in a nursing home. Iranians can often recount the countrys legacy and heritage in great detail. This coping method means that people trust themselves as human beings more than they trust a sacred object God. According to some researchers (Phillips, Pargament, Lynn, & Crossley, Citation2004, p. 410), there are several reasons people rely on themselves rather than God: They believe that God has indeed provided individuals with the ability and freedom to engage in the problem-solving process. The researchers discussed the categories and themes, considering the cultural aspects. In many studies in the field of coping, the terms religious and spiritual have been used to address coping methods that are essentially based on existential issues. Instead, people are expected to self-deprecate their success. Culture, a shared set of traditions, belief systems, and behaviors, is shaped by history, religion, ethnic identity, language, and nationality, among other factors. If a child knows that he has certain chores to do each day, it teaches him responsibility. We observed the use of a coping method by some informants that can be categorised as Benevolent Religious Reappraisal. Results and Discussion on religious coping methods (RCOPE),,, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(200004)56:4<519::AID-JCLP6>3.0.CO;2-1,, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. Families are also usually the basis for peoples social and business network. her figure and her hair. Article. The verse continues this way: Recite in the name of your Lord who createdCreated man from a clinging substance. I thought to myself a clinging substance means a blood mass and I had Leukemia too, so God who creates mankind from blood can heal me. References (10) An Examination of the Folk Healing Practice of Curanderismo in the Hispanic Community. Therefore, behaviour in Iran is regulated to adhere to social expectations that are largely derived from more conservative interpretations of the Quran. I definitively believe that pilgrims or using holy water or sanctified objects have a positive effect on curing the disease. After delivering a written application to the respective authorities in hospitals and rehabilitation centres, formal permissions for conducting the research were obtained. The individual may endorse self-directed methods because he/she is not very religious and does not involve God in the coping process. However, in 1979, the Islamic Revolution overthrew the secular monarchy and the Islamic Republic was subsequently established. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Religious association also has powerful leverage in society. Previously, people usually only dated after high school; however, it is becoming common for teenagers to do so. In A Minor Leap Down, filmmaker Rajabi addresses the over-prescription of psychotropic medication in Iran, explaining: Depression signifies that a part of our lives hurtand taking pills wont solve anything until we distinguish which part of our life is causing the problem.. If something is going to happen, God knows and writes. The healthcare and medical sector's market value in Iran was almost US$24 billion in 2002 and is forecast to rise to US$96 billion in 2017. Almost all Iranians respect the principle of modesty in the Islamic religion. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the region, and it has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia. One will find different cities have varying reputations from one another, whilst rural areas can have almost entirely different traditions and values. When Aryan (Indo-Iranian) tribes migrated to the region of modern-day Iran, it came to be known as Ariana or Iran - the land of the Aryans. We will present these methods in another article. Thus, secular meaning-making coping hardly has any point of connection with a traditional sacred context, but can overlap with a search for connectedness with a sacred source without relating to God or any traditional religious context. Nevertheless, the results of several studies (Ahmadi, Citation2006, Citation2015; Ahmadi, Park, Kim, & Ahmadi Citation2017; Ahmadi & Ahmadi, Citation2018) reveal the occurrence of other coping strategies that can hardly be regarded as religious or spiritual, for instance, strategies connected to nature. In a professional context where both males and females may be employed, people are cautious to maintain a physical distance from the other gender. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Furthermore, men are considered legally and financially responsible for supporting the women of their family. One 41-year-old man explained this: We have a responsibility to act. Accordingly, the focus, as well in this article as in our international project, is not the theological or physiological aspects of coping, but the sociological ones, i.e., the role of cultural settings in the framework of which the informants are socialised in applying the coping methods. Iran has been swift and forthcoming in adopting and bringing forward new ideas. This high rate of cesarean requires careful consideration. Many bans limit their involvement in the public sphere, tighten their moral code of dress and deny them freedom of expression. It seems that making decision for cesarean is done under the influence of cultural perceptions and beliefs. These kinds of coping methods can be viewed as a search for meaning that has no connection whatsoever to religion or religious symbols, or no obvious connection to a sacred religious/spiritual source. They are always in my heart and I do not forget them for a single moment, each second they are present in my mind and heart. Largely, ones family is the biggest social indicator of status. It is a common belief that these actions are good actions that satisfy God and pursue Him to help them. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. There remains a great deal of protection around girls in this regard. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. To be able to appreciate other cultures' health values, beliefs, and behaviors, increased cultural c In this respect, a 48-year-old woman explained: I believe that closeness to God, attending religious meetings, reading the Holy Book and visiting the mosque improves my health and calms me down. This system of theocratic governance remains in place today. We found two patterns. These fundamental beliefs vary from household to household and society to society-and even from time to time throughout history. However, the interviews had different reasons for practicing such habits. Your family culture influences things like your moral compass, beliefs, values, and traditions. We use cookies to improve your website experience. I didnt sit on the bed and pray God save me, God, make me well, God, why dont you make me well?I was convinced I should take ten steps to answer one step in response, therefore I said to myself that I should rely on myself and only myself in this world. Illness is our fault; it is due to our bad habits and way of life. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. This being said, many families see the education and development of their daughters as equally important. In Islam, Shafaah is the act of pleading to God by an intimate friend of God for forgiveness and miraculous healing. Cultural factors that can influence family planning discussions and decisions include gender role inequality, deference to family or physician authority, religious influences, belief that. The Iranian people have a record of practising quite a progressive form of Shia Islam. Talking in terms of beating a disease . It is commonly accepted that health care providers must strive to deliver care in a "culturally competent" manner; that is, they must be aware of the importance of the values, beliefs, traditions, parenting styles, and other aspects of a person's culture when serving and interacting with a patient, and they must develop the competencies necessary to address these cultural differences in . So I prepared a notebook and started to write about whatever was going to happen. Patients in Somalia commonly exhibit symptoms of chronic disorders in response to stress and turmoil. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were employed to identify the meaning-making coping methods used by cancer patients in Iran. Iranian culture remains relatively class conscious. I remembered we had learned during the religious lessons at school that the first chapter of the Quran that was sent to the Prophet was Recite. Then Recite became the core of my meditations and illustrations. The overall international project has focused on studying these three main meaning-making coping methods and how culture may affect use of these methods. Robert T. Muller, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at York University, and the author of the book Trauma and the Avoidant Client. Speaking up or publishing material that questions the current system can also be interpreted as anti-Islamic. The health care beliefs and values of Mexican-Americans. From this is can be appreciated that, while people do date casually, most casual relationships are approached particularly earnestly as there is a certain risk involved. It is a symbol of love. Thus, we can argue that the reason individuals turn to religion in times of crisis is that religion is more accessible in their sociocultural context than are other resources. Ultimately, the interview questions were modified to ensure that they were culturally adapted to an Iranian-Islamic context. The present article is confined to the results obtained in our study in Iran and restricted to religious coping methods. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Parents make sacrifices for children, especially for their education. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. Twenty-seven participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. The purpose of the project is to explore, from a sociological perspective, different forms of meaning-making coping (existential, spiritual, and religious coping) used by people who have been struck by cancer and, thereby, to attempt to understand the effect of culture on the use of these coping strategies. Islamic clergy can be regarded as vicar, master or guardian. It is a Muslim man, or woman, educated in Islamic theology and sacred law. 5. Praying or having any conversation with a transcendent power, reading religious or spiritual texts regardless of whether there is any God or transcendent power are not passive ways of facing a crisis; they are actually active attempts to understand ones situation and put it in a comprehensive context. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. Intercession is a safe way of obtaining a divine blessing. Ultimately, a womans independence and freedom to make choices for herself (i.e. Furthermore, ethnic minorities tend to have distinctive forms of social organisation that are sometimes more collectivistic. A unified, searchable interface answering your questions on the world's cultures and religions. Moreover, they claimed that ziyarat makes the individual calm and less anxious, as if s/he had visited the lost loved ones. For this reason, some people have found coping methods that are not religious. The study reveals that, as Shia Muslims, the informants while relying on the power of the God believe in their own efforts to receive Gods mercy, often by making a pilgrimage, ziyarat. The whole life, since our birth, we are socialised to believe in saints. Seer: It is garlic and represents medicine or health. Perhaps the biggest implication the system of governance has had on Iranian culture relates to the way Iranians conduct themselves in public and private. The Fatima Masumeh Shrine in Qom, Iran is one of the holiest sites for Shia M Family culture influences the way each family member thinks, feels, and acts on a daily basis. This religious governance directly affects the public, political, economic and legal aspects of people's lives. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. This is called Shafaah. In order to provide sensitive and culturally appropriate care, nurses should be aware of the general impact of cultural norms and values on the process of maternal role attainment and strive to meet the cultural needs of all mothers. This ensures that the households name is not implicated with trouble and their honour is protected. I told the nurse to bring me a Quran. As we explained above, among this group, for instance, devotional habits are more cultural than religious. Nonna Khakpour, Contributing Writer, The Trauma and Mental Health Report. Illness may be considered a product of Gods will, and thus accepted or as in the story of Job viewed as educational theodicy (Dein & Stygall, Citation1997). We recognise that personal beliefs and cultural practices are central to the lives of doctors and patients, and that all doctors have personal values that affect their day-to-day practice. With a population of 80 million (2017), Iran is one of the most populous countries in West Asia. For example, at one point, all music and dancing were banned and Iranians had to carefully hide the activities they loved underground. Therefore, the current study aimed to explore determinants of early . Someone who is a theologian is presumed to have the moral high ground and power in decision-making, gaining them a lot of respect. Culture influences, accordingly, the complex whole of social life: its institutions, laws, knowledge, customs, morals and lifestyles (Ahmadi, Citation2006). Indeed, subjects that Australians often avoid (politics and religion) are not necessarily taboo conversations among friends and colleagues in Iran. We found two patterns in our interviews. Awareness can translate to an enhanced understanding of the complexity of mental-health problems in a culture that holds rigid attitudes about mental health and illness. Iranians take their responsibilities to their family quite seriously. A Minor Leap Down, an Iranian film featured at international film festivals in Berlin and Toronto, illustrates the struggle of a 30-year-old Iranian woman named Nahal, whose deteriorating mental health is undermined by her family. By the likes of tall poppy syndrome, people are expected to be humble and unassuming about themselves. Deborah A. Boyle, RN, MSN. This means women commonly get passed over for jobs, earn less and receive lower allowances as it is expected that their male family member will support them. Translation included an inevitable process of removing certain nuances from the actual texts. (p. 46). Familial relationships and reputation are important aspects of Iranian culture. Individuals then keep any information surrounding troubles within the family circle away from public knowledge. Religious practices such as devotees customs of giving food, or other goods, to the poor and using sanctified objects for curing an illness are deeply rooted in Iranian culture and endure to the present day. The results were part of a larger study in which the purpose was to understand nurses' experiences of delivery of care for Iraqi patients. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia! Nevertheless, while politics is commonly ridiculed, most people are very reluctant to criticise Islam both from a social standpoint and a moral/theological perspective. Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. Mental illness in a family member is viewed as a familial flaw. ( 2017 ), Iran is a comprehensive concept that contains children & x27. Sacred object God version that you can read later or sanctified objects a! 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iranian culture family values and beliefs in healthcare