danny shelton 3abn biography
She said she had her mother and Bill Kerr and that she trusted them. How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? Currently 3ABN programming is carried globally on more than 100 television stations and more than a thousand cable outlets. But one very important factor was documented: Both Danny and Brandy kept the child hidden, and kept all identification information about the child secret. website for case information for Franklin County, Illinois, the Is that a direct answer enough for you? It was after this that we hammered out the legal agreement which I signed and sent to Danny Shelton by Federal Express onfor him and Brandy to sign. Why would Danny Shelton waste that money getting secretly tested if he knew he was not the father of Trinity? But that in itself their secrecy about this child speaks volumes! The following e-mails were sent in December of 2008 and were the beginning discussions that led to my going to Southern Illinois on April 29, 2009 to collect the DNA specimens. A visit to the local Christian television station a few days later brought about another conversation, this time with Clarence Larson, the station engineer. Then, to his amazement, Hal volunteered to donate the equipment to him a short time later! I was not allowed to see her stand up by herself. Is it recordings? I will tell Linda that she can obtain the appraisal on the horses from the court records. As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . The cost is the same. In fact it was just the opposite. Nine-year olds want to be "grown up" - not carried around like a baby. Brandy married Shawn Brannack on June 10, 1996, 2 1/2 years after the birth of the child, Jody (according to available public court records). If the DNA testing laboratory requires that Danny and Brandy sign another specific consent to allow me to obtain a copy of the DNA testing results that I paid for and traveled to Southern Illinois to obtain, I am assuming they will be willing to do so. DNA Diagnostics Center performs 3 out of 4 private paternity tests. And I understand Brandy was NOT married at the time, so THAT is not a false accusation. Nothing on the tape that I was allowed to hear proves in any way or even suggests an adulterous affair. I will do that when I receive the test results from both DNA testing laboratories. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began its work in Russia in 1992 when we taped and broadcast a series of evangelistic meetings with Australian evangelist, Pastor John Carter, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. I challenge any Board Member to show me any evidence that Linda committed adultery. He answered, No., We talked for about 15 minutes and I, still confused about what was going on, asked several more questions, including more clarification on what he meant by Spiritual adultery. He said that it meant that a woman had given her heart to another man., I asked if this woman he was counseling wanted to remain married to her husband. It makes no sense. Whether Linda knew Brandy worked there at that time is irrelevant. If she had really been having an affair, she certainly wouldnt have put the pregnancy test in a bag of other things she had just purchased and placed them where Danny could easily go through them. filed in retaliation for Joy and Pickle's blowing the whistle on Our down-home approach, and the absence of large fundraising efforts or telethons, results in the appreciation and financial support for all of our networks from people of all cultures and backgrounds. P.O. the As to the other charges about this woman, I later learned from Linda in 2008 that, according to her, she had not given her heart to any other man while she was married to Danny and she did love Danny, and very much wanted to remain married to him at that time. There are at least two major problems with that accusation by Danny against Linda: 1. Bring it forward. Brandys behavior during the DNA specimen collection was an embarrassment to everyone, including Danny, as he tried first to calm her down. I am. Why was I given only Xerox copies, copies that could easily be altered? All this, plus uplifting music, live event coverage, and childrens programming, helps us in proclaiming the three angels messages of Revelation 14:612. It is interesting that Brandys oldest daughter, Jody, apparently born out of wedlock three years before she married Shawn Brannack, uses the last name Murray. Did Kevin Murray adopt Jody, Shawn Brannacks child? That was when he made the demand for $10,000.00 in order to be tested! Linda knew that Danny had a vasectomy several years before. In an extremely late filing, Jim Gilley signed Scans of the two DNA tests of Danny Shelton, Brandy Shelton and the child presented as Trinity Murray are shown at the bottom of todays posting. My biggest question is why is there such a monumental, egregious, DOUBLE-STANDARD held by Danny Shelton, 3ABN Board Chairman, Walter Thompson, Kay Kuzma, Mollie Steenson, and the other 3ABN Board Members, as well as many others at the top level of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. You are making a big mistake. [2] In October 2017, 3ABN announced the sale of 14 LPTV stations to HC2 Holdings.[3]. Where is your obligation to pursue truth? It's only about the truth. states: That Form 990 was filed with the states of Oregon and Illinois. As we continue to gather evidence, that hidden, overwhelming factor will eventually become clear to all. Why was I not allowed to see any original documents to confirm the identity of Trinity (passport, government I.D.)? Shelton, you must be the luckiest man I know, because you have a clean sweep of every satellite in the horizon without microwave interference on those two acres. She asks how much money have I made even on books written since our divorce. If not, he should keep his mouth shut. Why are you so touchy? Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1263814e84c42a I was not looking for housing for Brandy in Aug. of 2004. from Remnant Publications, Inc. alone, largely at 3ABN's expense. The truth is that Danny Shelton NOT Linda - is the adulterer! Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts. 3ABN's board of directors elected Shelton as president and CEO last week, filling a role vacated by evangelist Jim Gilley, 74, who announced his retirement on July 20. A Seventh-day Adventist group called Save-3ABN has created a website demanding transparency and accountability from the network. At least that is what you intimated that people are questioning. When he brought up that scenario, I asked him point blank if the rumor was true. According to Lina, the car in question was solely in her name, but even that fact has nothing to do with Dannys illegal act. To: Danny Shelton Your complicity in this mess makes you just as guilty as Danny Shelton. Danny Sheltons response on January 2, 2009 to my suggestion that he, Brandy and Trinity be DNA tested (below). As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . But it certainly seems important to you - if you are willing to offer me $1,000,000. She belligerently got out her own video camera and started videotaping me putting her camera almost in my face, while continuously berating me. On March 1, 2010, Brandy Shelton filed for divorce from Danny Lee Shelton. In these results the DNA testing laboratories do not explicitly state that Brandy Shelton is the mother of the child tested, and I am not schooled in reading DNA test results, so I dont know. There are people who DO know that, including one of the people you actually spoke to about lodging for Brandy. Danny Shelton and other spiritual leaders at 3ABN host this weekly two-hour live version of 3ABN's signature program which features call-in questions and comments and free special offers. Honestly you guys must think I am an idiot. Of that amount, $52,407.41 was additional money beyond On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 I met Danny and Brandy Shelton in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois Post Office to collect DNA specimens for Paternity testing of Trinity Murray, the daughter of Brandy Elswick Shelton. You say Brandy was at 3ABN prior to 2004 because you worked with her while you were here taping. The IRS states that in order for a parent to claim a child as a deduction on his or her income tax, the child must have a Social Security number. But when that was unsuccessful, he repeatedly tried to stop us from videotaping her temper tantrum. The Bible paints a clear picture of hell, and Danny Shelton takes you verse by verse, with an easy-to-understand, commonsense approach to Scripture. "It's against our faith to molest children. As I said, she may have come to 3ABN AGAIN in Nov. 2004, but YOU were looking for housing for her in August of 2004. and I worked with her at 3ABN either in 1999 or 2000. The name Trinity is also curious, particularly since Brandy at the time of Trinitys birth apparently was not particularly religious or maybe not religious at all. I wonder who could have been posting that deliberately false information!! Linda had no clue that Danny had already made plans to divorce her long before she traveled to Norway, in February of 2004, to visit her son. And she certainly is not an adulteress. and the other Members of the Board of The Truth about Salvation: Focus on Truth Series: Author: Danny Shelton: Editor: Yvonne Shelton: Publisher: DLS Publishing, 2021: ISBN: 1736680927 . Another source saw a moving van at the Shelton door on Thursday, July 9, 2009. Free Shipping over $50.00 of qualifying products. It is also fully accredited by the AABB. You are mistaken. I said this way back in 2005 innocently - not even knowing that Danny and 3ABN were saying that Brandy did not arrive at 3ABN until November of 2004. Known as the Mending Broken People Network, we produce programming that reaches people where they hurt, offering real answers from Gods Word, and spiritual nourishment to help them grow. If you can prove that Brandy (the now Brandy Shelton) worked with you while you were at 3ABN during any years prior to my divorceI'll give you $100,000! I was not allowed to take her picture, or take her fingerprints, or to examine her identification documents directly. You all have believed Danny Sheltons version of events without having any evidence. Dr. Walter Thompson, the 3ABN board chairman said that the divorce was beside the point, the president, Danny Shelton, no longer wanted his vice-president, Linda Shelton. He currently resides in Washington, United States. Brandy is on her way back from Fla. with her daughter. News reports stated that If and when I receive the consent form, I will send it on to Danny and Brandy to sign. In addition, why would a young, attractive woman, a single mother of two children, a non-SDA, leave her home in the Tampa, Florida area, a cosmopolitan area of close to a million people, a state and area full of beaches, bikinis, sunshine, and beach volleyball, a state where her mother and the rest of her family resided, and move to a tiny, obscure, town in rainy, humid, land-locked, Southern Illinois Thompsonville, Illinois - a town of 588 people, with the closest metropolitan area (St. Louis, MO) two hours away by car, to apply for a job at a Seventh-day Adventist television network - in a town where she supposedly knew no one? PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, Danny Shelton reported receiving Click to reveal Herman said they would report the allegations in Illinois to federal authorities. Instead Danny handed me Xeroxed copies of the documents (a picture of one page of the passports for Danny and Brandy and Trinity, and Drivers licenses for Danny and Brandy). Why did you come up with such a conclusion? The divorce occurred on 10/07/99. on January 24, 2008, court documents were filed by which 3ABN asserted that The 3ABN network is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. In addition, I was not allowed to videotape or even take a still picture of Trinity Murray, something the DNA testing laboratory requires. I was never allowed to authenticate that the child tested was actually Trinity Murray as I was never allowed 1) to see original documents (Passport and government I.D. In fact, Walter Thompson has admitted that he has never had any evidence of adultery against Linda Shelton. his brother Tommy Shelton was arrested [1], Three Angels Broadcasting Network is located in West Frankfort, Illinois. An international Christian radio and television network based in West Frankfort in southern Illinois and the brother of the network's founder were named in a federal child-sex-abuse lawsuit filed in Chicago on Monday. This is what the U.S. governments Social Security website says: If your child is born in the United States or is a U.S. citizen born abroad, you need a Social Security number to claim your child as a dependent on your income tax return. They failed to prove it so moved on to other accusations. website for case information for Franklin County, Illinois. I'll let that one rest. Brandi was baptised at the same time . She even rudely accused me of having Alzheimers. His friend told him that someone had recently offered to buy his equipment, but he had been strongly impressed to keep it until God directed him otherwise. Later, when a microwave signal interference study was conducted on the property, an amazed technician remarked, Mr. Why would you DO such a thing? American football defensive lineman who was taken in the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft by the Cleveland Browns. I NEVER said that I thought Brandy's second child was yours. It doesnt take an Einstein to figure it out. So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. I reminded her that ALL beans are forbidden on the Health Plan while a person is getting well from cancer or any other life-threatening disease. If Linda called the other person by name at any time, I was not allowed to hear that. You obviously considered her expendable! I was only allowed to hear select portions of the tape. And innuendo and false accusations are not adequate to classify as proof. "Here at 3ABN, we all work together to reach souls for the Lord's kingdom," Tammy says. One wonders, why a mother would name her child, God? 2. However, the problem remains that I cannot prove the identity of the child tested, who was presented as Trinity Murray. He said, No.. It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. My next contact with either Danny or Linda (after Dannys 2004 phone call to me) occurred about the middle of July of 2008 four years later - when I received a call from Linda asking me if I would be willing to call Danny and ask him to meet with her in a public place to talk over the financial settlement for the divorce so Linda would not have to pay increasingly expensive attorneys fees - with money she did not have. Although it is not formally tied to any particular church or denomination, much of its programming focuses on Seventh-day Adventist theology and Adventist doctrine. Today, 3ABNs Russian Evangelism Center includes the largest Seventh-day Adventist Church of Nizhny Novgorod, as well as local Church Conference offices, a Christian secondary school and high school, a literature distribution center, and, of course, 3ABN Russias television and radio studios. But anyone can accuse and cause all kinds of problems for people..so if you or Joy or Pickle or Linda will put up $10,000 to make $20,000 let me know and I will play your game. Linda is not the person saying this. I would never have believed that you can hold yourselfin so high esteem that you won't admit that you could be wrong. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. Danny purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on new property nearby. Since my trip to Southern Illinois on April 28, 2009, and my return on April 29 after collecting the DNA samples from Danny and Brandy Shelton and a child identified to me as Trinity Murray, I have had to travel to Texas and to Washington, D.C. plus try to catch up on my work when I have returned home from each trip. But if she did not sign the agreement and someone else signed her name without her knowledge, her quarrel should be with that person not us! It was Danny Shelton who repeatedly badgered me saying, I know youre not coming. Whoa! Judge RejectsPlea Deal. (Save 3ABN heard reports I did not know what the issues were on either side nor did I favor one over the other. Shelton now faces criminal charges in Virginia's Fairfax County tied to Walker's and another man's abuse allegations. In psychiatric terms, that is called projection. Siblings can often have fairly close DNA matches as they are often chosen as organ donors. 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