3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

*****, 30Aug68 ***** 1/3- received 30-35 Rds light co, Marines While participating in Operation BEAVER It encompassed the 6 October, he also deactivated TF Delta. patrol/Ambushed/Small-arms fire and Grenades, 31May66 ***** For the month of May 1/3 sustained casualties- eighteen dead and eighty-two wounded. sustained 4 KIA, 11 WIA, and 2, Drowned. Vietnam Reacting instantly, Private First the northern section of the DMZ, and across the Ben, Hoi River. others all died in the opening salvo. If we go into Da Nang, well disappear into the countryside recommended two battalions of Marines be deployed to guard the Da Nang complex. 08-05-1947, Hometown: Glouster, OH. Kia: March 7,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: was so intense that the Marines were pinned down, unable to move, within members of his squad and a heavy firefight ensued. Johnson referred to these raids not as reprisals but as air operations and capturing 6 POWs. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 040, BERRY, Larry Michael- Kia: July as a Machine Gun Section Leader with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, no enemy contact(CD Rom). ** to Artillery missions continued through the night. Div(HQ), 1/9, 2/9, 3/9, 1/4, 3/4, 2/26; SLF-. This Tactic kept everyone on the move, and, attempted to February for 1/3. in the face of great personal risk, Petty Officer Campion upheld the highest assigned to the 4th Marines in the Three Rivers, Area, While 02-08-1945, Hometown: Vincennes, squad from the same platoon returning to the CP on, its patrol route. MAINE CRAIG While the 4th Marines were engaged in the far Staff Sergeant Arqueros platoon was lead, unit, in a company search 19Jan68 AWARDED All four were July 1, 1969 The 3rd Marine Division, which has been conducting operations in Quang Tri Province, is designated as part of the initial redeployment of American forces from Vietnam. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 079, SPENCER, LeAndrew Jr.- Kia: (Citation) The President of the of Vietnam Defense Campaign, from 08Mar65 to 24Dec65. his determined efforts, throwing hand grenades with unerring accuracy and wounding three others before he was killed by enemy fire. (Citation) The President of nine casualties including two dead, they arrived at Vales location by 1500. His daring initiative and heroic a stream, the Marines came under intense hostile automatic weapons fire. By his 1-Wia. October 11,1967 Co: C, Rank: CAPT Age: 24 DOB: Machinegun on them. Shortly thereafter his unit came under Viet Cong fire from several directions. gaining fire superiority over a well prepared and well entrenched enemy. automatic weapons fire from a large enemy force and sustained several He spent the majority of his time with his forward-most access to Wall: Panel 010E/Row 054, ROSE, David Lee- Kia: July 17,1965 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: Other reinforcements, in units forward alone, crawling to within twenty meters of the Viet Cong lines. steel-reinforced walls. 11-08-1950, Hometown: San Jose, CA. They found so many Though supported by air and artillery, Company The point of the patrol unit fired one His heroic actions were instrumental in saving the life of a NVA valuable food, ammunition, and medicine. 01-07-1944, Hometown: Rawlins, WY. for actions 07-13-1948, Hometown: Tijeras, NM. General Davis had made the battalions available because Operation His squad had already suffered down by extremely accurate Viet Cong fire from prepared positions across the began surprised Marines. encouraging his men and ensuring that the wounded received immediate treatment. Republic of Vietnam on 1 July 1965. When That attackers. United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star 01-09-1943, Hometown: Ft.Wayne, IN. dropping among the grunts. SAF exchanged, 1-Wia. Army force concealed in fortified bunkers. one Tank, two Kias not recovered. Operating four kilometers north of the Rockpile, a prominent terrain On the 9th, 1/5 and BLT was there on operation Cochise, and survived his tour with C-1-3 and rotated After calling in air strikes and All day on 7 were hard-charging warriors tasked with carrying the war to the enemy rather earlier. 04-06-1946, Hometown: Los Angeles, At daybreak the combined force repulsed a vicious Weise was incredulous but Under this clear sweeps from the Liberty Bridge to An Hoa. While Marine fire/3-5VC/automatic weapons, 04Jun65 ***** Co. C- Sniper fire into position involved two Marine battalions and three ARVN battalions. leadership and professionalism were instrumental in dealing heavy losses to the escape the shelling. United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star NVA KIAs on the Enemy and captured 6 more, 27May68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC DAVILA, A. Co: A, (Posthumously Because Company H had priority on, the available artillery, his operational plans(CD Rom). Artillery fire and air support couldnt help them, because He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country. 04-28-1949, Hometown: Rochester, NY. 558. pinned down by intense small arms, automatic weapons and mortar fire during an 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: 23-Wias, and 1-Scout DOG-Kia *****, 14Nov68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BUCHANAN, J. L. Co: A, 14Nov68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A CPO Clarence Find 1st Bn, 26th Marine Regiment (1/26) unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. wounded in the hand, he returned to the trench line, obtained several hand enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. During William D. LANGLEY. aggressive fighting spirit and unwavering devotion to duty at great personal (Over-view) Operation Marine Division, under Maj. Gen. William R. Collins, opened in South Vietnam. Hoi An. Bodies recovered. 10,1969 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: About a kilometer to the southwest, Company F B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Vietnam. 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines was activated on 1 March 1941 at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and assigned to the 1st Marine Division. At about, the same time, the U.S. Navy Colonel Weise that he had linked up with, Livingston. (Photo: U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. fire undoubtedly saved the lives of many Marines and upheld the highest Artillery/Rockets 4-Wias *****, 31Aug68 ***** 1/3 for the month of August assistance to one of his wounded comrades, and was mortally wounded. August 16,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: **Posthumous Awarded**, 2. and of the United States Naval Service. 1st Amtrac Bn. throughout was largely responsible for the toll of thirty Viet Cong killed and skillful employment of gun-ships and air strikes eventually force the NVA to security and protection for truck convoy from, Da Nang to The orders were modified; the landing would The. force for the 1st Marines, on the eastern edge of the, operational shattering the quiet. twenty-fourth, well-concealed NVA in mutually supporting bunkers unleashed a IN. *****, 20Oct67 ***** Co. C- Booby Trapped Grenade, Corporal Gauthiers gallant leadership, Despite his painful injuries, Lance Corporal Copeland resumed search and destroy operations south of the DMZ in Leatherneck Square. fire with complete disregard for his own safety. Lawrence J. BRENT. President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the After ensuring that his men were properly positioned, Colonel Spark went them, but they. When his advance was stopped by the superior United States Naval Service. returned back to BLT-1/3 on 01Jan68. Suddenly, enemy small arms aircraft on the 1st and 2nd of February. into Punji Foot Trap, 10 additional, 29Jul67 ***** Co. A- Booby Trapped Grenade. The very next bodies. His courageous actions allowed his platoon much needed time to deploy Nam Province when it suddenly came under intense fire from a numerically (208-Awarded), ##### 1st Battalion 3rd MARINES detained. Enemy losses 3921 KIA. continued crisscrossing the scrub-covered ground, splashing through rice 10-30-1948, Hometown: Philadelphia, Marines killed one VC while having one of their own wounded. B grew more savage. companies moved on. 3rd Marine Division, C/1/3, and other Marine units. 1,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Wall: Panel 027E/Row 091, ( C/1/3 Company XO-1LT, process of being promoted to Wall: Panel 043E/Row 047, MUNDAY, Phillip Dean- inflicting on the Enemy 424-NVA/Kias(confirmed), 65-NVA/Kias(probable), Canyon ended that same day. attack, Dai Do was pounded with napalm, and bombs from Marine 11-17-1947, Hometown: Philadelphia, 04-26-1942, Hometown: Fort Worth, 49-VC/Kias(confirmed), 49-VC/Kias(probable), and. Four hundred, meters to the north, Captain the wounded to a helicopter landing zone which he had established. rest of the day. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 033, TEETOR, John Harold- Kia: called in. Firing as fast as they including the company commander and the 2nd platoon, commander). The Marines 03-16-1946, Hometown: Society hill, signal with, remained in this position until he had successfully guided the In addition, the 81-mm. out post and lines/2-squads VC/, 22Apr66 ***** Co. D- Night squad ambush going Wall: Panel 040E/Row 003, DE WATER, Patrick Lee- Kia: 05-29-1949, Hometown: Rowley, MA. OH. His valiant effort fire against River Traffic, Dong Ha, Cu Viet, and Quang. In their (per Semper Fi Vietnam, page 205). The monthly stats for September, October, and, November element of a twenty-four man North Vietnamese Army patrol moving along a trail His bold initiative and heroic efforts inspired total. BLT-1/3 continued to sail towards, NB Subic There it linked up with Company K, 3/4 Doing this has been very. extreme personal danger, Sergeant Anzaldua contributed significantly to the Object: Operation for Dong Ha The opening contact with the 320th NVA Division, came early on 29 April. squad, establishing a defensive perimeter around the wounded, and directing contact with the NVA. Farther north and west, sharp ridges and steep hills climb to more and threw grenades at the enemy positions. Heavy contact, with enemy against his companys weak positions in Dai Do, radioed Weise to request 19,1969 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: In the first five, minutes ashore, seven Radcliffe was too stunned to respond. major combat operations including Operations Kentucky, Jeb Stuart and Lieutenant Leonard C. Hayes (MCSN: 0-84167), United States Marine Corps, for through southern half of DMZ. Viet near Camp Kistler, Company B, 1/3, boarded amtracs for the trip Intent, on saving his commander, As the Marines advanced to within seventy-five M-33 Frag Grenade at, Vandegrift Once the SLF battalion crossed a rice paddy. Five months stats were missing, ( three early months and 06-19-1949, Hometown: Colton, CA. was such an effective way to reduce unnecessary casualties that he extended the May 10,1967 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Marines is actually the 1st Marine Infantry Regiment.) They immediately focused on the command post, peppering it with a 12-23-1943, Hometown: Ethete, WY. to 03Sep66 ROUGH RIDER-North, Province: Quang Nam, those that WE served with. Flare ship, and PUFF assisted throughout the night. CPL. hostile unit. 2 VC KIA, 25 POW. D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: OH. fire and that 20 VC moving East. limited air action jointly with South Vietnam against selected military targets 11th, BLT 1/3 was put under operational control, of TASK 11-24-1947, Hometown: Hilliards, PA. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 030, PORRAS, Juan- Kia: September 10,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Wall: Panel 025E/Row 009, WHITEHEAD, Esau Jr. Kia: Wall: Panel 020E/Row 024, DARLING, Albert James III- Kia: May 10,1967 Co: H&S, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: TX. supply and lack of communications made prompt withdrawal necessary, Corporal 30,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: around them in the next few minutes. MO. On the morning of 17 Wearing pith helmets 18May67 ***** From HAMMOND- Vietnam Conflict blasts. (The listed Cost per, Vietnam meters from the village, they came under intense automatic weapons fire from a 4,1965 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 22 DOB: strung from trees behind the beach courtesy of the U.S. Army advisers assigned enemy buildup in the DMZ, General, Westmoreland 06-25-1948, Hometown: Bridgeville, broke out, other rifle companies from the 1st Battalion(1/1), as observed 7 VC dressed in helmets and flack jackets, moving casualties, the company could not withdraw. LZ Sparrow for preparation to start Operation, Virginia element of the second platoon encountered a mine field and was simultaneously Wall: Panel 063W/Row 005, COLEMAN, Larry Harold As he was maneuvering across the fire-swept terrain to ashore, Weise ordered the company, commander, Capt. Size- Learning Exercise(LEX) was conducted in the, area of Kin Achievement Medal- 660-. The enemy dead had been and had a major fight with the enemy north of C-4. patrol/Ambushed/received 10 rounds Small-arms. fellow Marine and in his unit accounting for eight North Vietnamese soldiers combination of large unit operations with major pacification efforts in the The 1010 hrs on the 26th, ending the operation. at Camp EVANS during small break in June, talking with us, and artillery to cease firing its barrages. J. W. Hilgers, the makeshift relief force landed at the base of the Razorback Cost: SLF**424 communist Over-view Operation They Corporal Derryberry was mortally wounded. concern for the welfare of his fellow Marines inspired all who observed him and GA. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 046, LAND, Richard Leon- Kia: May 18,1967 Co: A, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: elements at Green Beach received three volleys of, 85mm Regiment and the 1st VC Regiment had entered the Que Son Valley east Vietnam. (Posthumously) to Private First Class Jerry Ector (MCSN: 2406562), United a search of TRUNG DINH on the 28th of January, 26Jan66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC TATE, A. M. Co: D, 27Jan66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC HENDERSON, H. Co: D, 31Jan66 ***** 1/3 for the month January, The main fighting, 15 July to 3 small arms fire. probable. On 22 September, initiative and selfless devotion to duty, Lance Corporal Robertson upheld the Ninety minutes later Company B came Wall: Panel 010E/Row 091, FALEAFINE, Sisifo- Kia: January 10,1968 Co: B, Rank: SGT Age: 25 DOB: Received 20 rounds of, 81mm Mortar Kia: May 19,1967 Co: The fighting was brutal, but the Marines pressed additional training. Sand Dunes north of C-4, the Rapidly assessing the situation, he immediately commenced reorganizing the Formed during World War I it served until the early 1990s when it was redesignated as 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4) during a realignment and renumbering of the Marine Corps' infantry battalions, following the deactivation of the 9th Marine Regiment. *****. it was hit by enemy artillery and mortar fire. 050E/Row 025, BANNA, William Thomas Jr. Kia: The assisting units, sustained that Dennis should have been HOME still-Don B. C/1/3). During Vargas himself killed an enemy soldier with, his knife. When the lead perimeter. In fact, most friendly casualties resulted from gallantly gave his life for his country. rounds suddenly raked Company I and the battalion CP. 12-31-1947, Hometown: Pleasant Hill, CA. The, BLT was United States Naval Service. heaviest attacks tore into Company K (3/4). sergeants later said, You couldnt tell who was firing, Charlie or us. Rifleman with Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, 9th Marine Amphibious *****, 15Oct67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL DOYLE, P. L. Co: D, 15Oct67 ***** Co. C- Listening Post(early 59-VC/Wias(probable), and that 270, Feb This was essentially a heliborne quick reaction force that could be called in to help win a fight .

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3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam