sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf

The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 66. DATED of. The warrant of such first named Court shall be sufficient authority to the keeper of any prison appointed for the custody of prisoners committed for trial, although out of the jurisdiction of such Court. 185. Holders of such other offices in the public service that the Governor-General, may from time to time require to be exempted. 3. Both systems have been given legitimacy by the constitution and other statutory instruments. and obscene libel the particulars of which ate deposited with this indictment. death was this day executed in the said prison (or as the case may be), and that on such examination I found that the said.was dead. (1) 4. (3) Order for enlargement of bail, cancellation of bail, transfer to a bond, etc. Any person summoned to attend the Court as a juror who shall not without reasonable excuse (burden of proof whereof shall rest on such juror) duly attend and be present at the Court and at all times appointed by the Court for adjournments, and any person present in Court, who being called to serve as a juror, shall without reasonable excuse refuse to serve till discharged by the Court, shall be guilty of contempt of Court, and be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty Leones. (4)A person may be admitted to bail at any time, and thereupon shall be discharged from custody or prison if he is not detained for any other cause. (ii) such person shall have elected or shall have been ordered to be tried by a Judge alone in accordance with the provisions of sections 145 and 144 respectively. In the.Court at. To..(name of prosecutor or witness) of.(address), Take notice that you are bound in the sum of..leones to appear at the, ..sessions of the Supreme Court to be holden atand unless you personally make. Customary law applies in the provinces in the House of Representatives this 23rd day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixth-five. Being an Act to provide for the establishment and operation of Local Courts, the administration of justice in the provinces and for other related matters. Evidence of person married otherwise than by Civil or Mohammedan Marriage. E-Book Overview. In the event of a committal for trial the written charge, the depositions, the statement of the accused, his answer recorded under section 116 (if any), the recognisances of bail (if any) and any documents and things which have been put in evidence, shall be transmitted in proper time to the Supreme Court; and an authenticated copy of the depositions, documentary exhibits and statement and answer aforesaid shall be transmitted to the Attorney-General. Competency of person charged and husband or wife of person charged to give evidence. 134. Challenge to the array, Peremptory challenges. 227. 117. Now these are to command you to receive the saidinto your custody together with this warrant, and him safely to keep in the said prison for the period ofunless the sum of, ..(as set out at the foot hereof) be sooner paid, and on the receipt thereof forthwith to set. Where it appears to the Court that a charge is malicious, frivolous or vexatious, the Court may order the prosecutor to pay all or any specified part of the expenses of the prosecution or of the defence. Arrest, etc., of Member of Parliament or public officer to be reported. PART V - SPECIAL TRIALS TRIAL OF CORPORATIONS. Sierra Leone, enacting jurisdiction. Power to search for strangers in Diamond Protection Areas. Section 4 of the Local Courts Act is hereby amended as follows, a)by the insertion immediately after the word "Vice-President" in line 2 of subsection (1) thereof of the words "or Vice-Presidents where he considers it necessary to appoint more than one"; and. 181. 7. (3) Where before a trial upon indictment or at any stage of such trial the Court is of opinion that the accused may be prejudiced or embarrassed in his defence by reason of being charged with more than one offence in the same indictment, or that for any other reason it is desirable to direct that the accused should be tried separately for any one or more offences charged in an indictment, the Court may order a separate trial of any count or counts of such indictment. The conditions hereinbefore referred to are the following, a. the deposition must be the deposition of a witness whose attendance at the trial is stated to be unnecessary in accordance with the provisions of section 127, or of a witness who cannot be found, or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay, expense or inconvenience which in the circumstances of the case, the court considers unreasonable, or who is proved at the trial by the oath of a credible witness to be dead or insane, or so ill as not to be able to travel, or to be kept out of the way by means of the procurement. 238. (5)A Judge may, if he thinks fit, admit any person to bail although the Court before whom the charge is pending has not thought fit to do so. DATED of. TAKE NOTICE that you will be tried on the indictment, whereof this is a true copy, at the Sessions of the Supreme Court to be held aton theday of.19. 139. SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE, Supreme Court Civil Appeal 2 of 1972, Hon Mr Justice E Livesy Luke CJ, 3 July 19 73 . (1) Where any person charged before a Magistrate's court with an offence triable upon indictment before the Supreme Court is committed for trial, and it appears to such Magistrate's Court after taking into account anything which may be said with reference thereto by the accused or the prosecutor, that the attendance at the trial of any witness who has been examined before it is unnecessary by reason of anything contained in any statement by the accused person, or of the evidence of the witness being merely of a formal nature, the Magistrate's Court shall, if the witness has not already been bound over, bind him over to attend the trial conditionally upon notice given to him and not otherwise, or shall, if the witness has already been bound over, direct that he shall be treated as having been bound over to attend only conditionally as aforesaid, and shall transmit to the Supreme Court a statement in writing of the names, addresses and occupations of the witnesses who are or who are to be treated as having been, bound over to attend the trial conditionally. Obtaining goods by false pretences, contrary to section 32 (1) of the Larceny Act, 1916. Proof of service outside local limits of jurisdiction. (2)The Court, may if it thinks fit, and on the application of the accused person shall, summon and examine such deponent as to the subject matter of his deposition. (4)Such book shall belaid before the Magistrate present at the time when and place where the recognisor is required to appear, and such Magistrate may enlarge the recognisance to such further time as he may appoint. (8) It shall not be necessary in stating any intent to defraud deceive or injure any particular person, where the enactment creating the offence does not make an intent defraud, deceive, or injure a particular person an essential ingredient of the offence. Deposition of medical practitioner may be read as evidence. If any person knowingly and wilfully signs any false certificate or declaration required by sections 224 and 225 he shall be guilty of a misdemeanour and on conviction hereof shall be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding two years. (1) Every Court has authority to cause to be brought before it any person who is within the local limits of its jurisdiction and is charged with an offence committed within Sierra Leone, or which according to law may be dealt with as if it had been committed within Sierra Leone, and any person within such limits against whom a complaints is made on which the Court has power to make any order for the payment of money or otherwise, and to deal with all such persons according to its jurisdiction. The Court shall inform every person condemned to death of the period within which, if he desires to appeal, his notice of appeal or of his application for leave to appeal must be given. For the issuing of a summons the information need not be put in writing or be sworn to unless the Court so directs. Particulars of Offence, A. district of.. Now these are to command you to convey the said ..toand to, produce him before the.. (Magistrate) at..there to be dealt with according, WHEREAS application has been made to His Lordshipunder section 43 of the Criminal, Procedure Act, 1965, by me..(named of accused) a person accused of the offence of, AND WHEREAS it has been further ordered that I, the said ..(accused), shall enter into a bond, with surety that I shall, if. 16. (3) When a person is charged with stealing any chattel, money or valuable security, and it is proved that he received the thing knowing it to have been stolen, he may be convicted of receiving although he was not charged with that offence. Depositions admissible in certain cases. CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION && OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, I(name) of(address), the Medical Superintendent of the, Mental Hospital athereby certify that(name of. Defence of lunacy at preliminary investigation. (1) In the case of a conviction involving sentence of death the sentence shall not in any case be executed until a. after the expiration of the time within which a notice of appeal or of an application for leave to appeal may. 9. 29. prosecute (or to prosecute and give evidence or to give evidence) in the matter of a charge of..against And whereas it has been made to appear to me be information upon oath that the said.. is about to go. 118. 57. 85. 8e Negocios. proof of any statement, and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof unless the Court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. Any constable or other person authorised to make an arrest may break out of any house or place in order to liberate himself or any other person who, having lawfully entered for the purpose of making an arrest, is detained therein. When a person is charged with murder he may, if the evidence so warrants, be acquitted of murder and convicted of manslaughter although he was not charged with that offence. (3)When an accused person makes an application under this section, the Judge may before granting the same, direct him to enter into a recognisance, with or without sureties, conditioned that he will, if convicted, pay the costs of the prosecution. 172. (1) A corporation that is convicted of an offence is liable, in lieu of any imprisonment that is prescribed as the punishment for that offence, or where no fine is Prescribed, be fined in an amount that is in the discretion of the Court where the offence is triable on indictment; or. f 1965. The Magistrate in settling the lists shall mark off the names of such persons as he shall deem suitable to serve as special jurors in each district. The Literary Theory Handbook introduces students to the history and scope of literary theory, showing them how to perform literary analysis, and providing a greater understanding of the historical contexts for different theories.. A new edition of this highly successful text, which includes updated and refined chapters, and new sections on contemporary theories 29 1965 Short title. 128. (9) Where a previous conviction of an offence is charged in an information or indictment it shall be charged at the end of the information or indictment by means of a statement that the accused has been previously convicted of that offence at a certain time and place without stating the particulars of the offence. 60. The fact that the indictment has been so signed shall be equivalent to a statement that all conditions required by law to constitute the offence charged, and to give the Court jurisdiction, have been fulfilled in the particular case. 2. 11. Therefore the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone should declare that law null and void by virtue of Section 171(15) of the Act No 6 of the . 158. convicted, pay the costs of the prosecution: Now I.(name of accused), of.of, ..(address) hereby bind himself that I will, in the event of my being convicted. In theCourt at. To..(name and designation of person or persons who is or are to, Whereas..(name of accused) ofAddress stands charged with the, offence of(Statement of offence). 13. ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT 11. 222. The signature and attestation of the Magistrate holding the preliminary examination shall be sufficient prima facie proof of any deposition or statement and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof, unless the court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. Any statement made by the accused at the preliminary investigation may be given in evidence if admissible according to the rules of evidence. An offence committed whilst the offender is in the course of performing a journey or voyage may be enquired into or tried in a District through or into which the offender, or the person against whom, or the thing in respect of which, the offence was committed, passed in the course of that journey or voyage. Conviction of manslaughter on charge of murder. (1) When, in a trial by jury, the case on both sides is closed the Judge shall sum up the law and evidence in the case. This Act may be cited as the Administrator of Estates Act, it shall come into force on such day as the President may fix by notice in the Gazette, and shall apply throughout Sierra Leone except in respect of the estate or part of the estate of the deceased native which is within the jurisdiction of a Local court. 111. (2) When a person charged with any offence against section 17 of the Larceny Act, 1916 (relating to embezzlement) and it is proved that he stole the property in question, he may be convicted of stealing it although he was not charged with that offence; and when a person is charged with stealing any chattel, money or valuable security he may, in like manner, be convicted of embezzlement, or of fraudulent application or disposition as the case may be. B.and C..D. were then carrying on a genuine business as jewelers the Western Area of Sierra. (5) Where an order of the Court is made under this section for a separate trial or for postponement of a trial, a.if such order is made during a trial with a jury or during a trial with assessors, the Court may order that the jury or the assessors be discharged from giving a verdict or opinions, as the case may be, on the count or counts the trial of which is postponed, or on the indictment as the case may be; and, b.the procedure on the separate trial of a count shall be the same in all respects as if the count had been contained in a separate indictment, and the procedure on the postponed trial shall be the same in all respects (provided that the jury or assessors, if any, have been discharged) as if the trial had not commenced; and. In default of the recovery of the fine by such distress and sale, the person fined may be imprisoned for a period not exceeding two weeks. 237. FAO organizational chart; Regional Office for Africa; Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific; Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia; Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 79 any constable in charge of a police station may take bail by recognisance conditioned for the appearance of an accused person before the Magistrate's Court, on a day and at a place to be mentioned in such recognisance, there and then to be dealt with according to law, in the following cases, a. If entry to such a place cannot be effected under section 5 it shall be lawful in any such case as is therein mentioned for such person acting under a warrant of arrest or such person acting under a warrant of arrest or such constable having authority to arrest to enter such place and search therein and, in order to effect entrance into such place, to break open any outer or inner door or window of any house or place, whether that of the person to be arrested or of any other person, if after notification of his authority and purpose, and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance. It shall not be necessary in any case to keep the jury together during any adjournment previous to the close of the Judge's summing up, but it shall be lawful for the Court, if it should appear to it to be advisable in the interest of justice on any trial to require the jury to be kept together during any adjournment. The powers vested in a President under this Act or any Rules made thereunder shall be exercised by a Vice-President.". DATED of. B., on theday of.19at Freetown in the Western Area of Sierra, Leone, being a witness upon the trial of an action in the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone in which one.was, plaintiff, and one..was defendant, knowingly falsely swore that he was one M. N. in the street called. b. (Public Seal) Governor. (Place). 85. Figures and abbreviations may be used in an information or indictment for expressing anything which is commonly expressed thereby. No judgment shall be stayed or reversed on the ground of any objection, which if stated after the indictment was read to the prisoner, or during the progress of the trial, might have been amended by the Court, nor because of any informality in swearing the witnesses or any of them. When a person is accused of the commission of an offence at sea or elsewhere out of Sierra Leone, which. 217. Assented to in Her Majesty's name this 6th day of our Lord October, 1965. Pursuant to the Courts Act, Act No 31 of 1965, Sierra Leone is constituted into Judicial Districts and Section 4 of the Act states that there shall be constituted Magistrate's Court in and for every judicial district. the said..shall be forthwith set a liberty. 161. 30. When by accident or mistake a wrong verdict is delivered the jury may, before or immediately after it is recorded, amend the verdict, and it shall as ultimately amended. Section 4 of the Local Courts Act is hereby amended as follows 10. The principal Act is hereby amended by the addition immediately after section 48 of the following new section. the formal part) of the information or indictment and conviction or acquittal for such offence, purporting to be signed by the officer having the custody of the records of the Court where the offender was convicted or acquitted, or by his deputy, shall, upon proof of the identity of the person convicted or acquitted be sufficient evidence of the said conviction or acquittal without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the same. same were a judgment debt in the above mentioned Court. 18. When exercising the powers conferred upon it by section 55 or 56, the Court may order that the whole, or such portions as the Court thinks fit, of the expenses so paid be paid over to the prosecutor or to the accused or defendant, as the case may be. discontinue at any stage before judgment is delivered any such criminal proceedings. a.any person who in his presence commits a felony; b.any person whom he suspects of having committed a felony, if such felony had actually been committed and such private person has reasonable grounds to believe that the person arrested has committed that felony; c.any person offering to sell, pawn or deliver any property which such private person has reasonable grounds to believe to be stolen property; d.any person about to commit an act which would manifestly endanger another person's life; e. any person detaining or suspected of detaining any other person with the intent to kidnap or unlawfully remove him from Sierra Leone. 103. Section 5 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "suspend" in line two thereof of the words, "or revoke the appointment of'. B. had the been sent by the said J. S. to S. P. for the said cloth, and that he, the said A. (1) A person charged with murder or treason shall not be admitted to bail, except by a Judge. (4)) After the statement of the offence particulars of such offence shall be set out in ordinary language, in which the use of technical terms shall not be necessary. a certain will purporting to be the will of C.D. Commencement. (2) A representative for the purposes of this Part need not be appointed under the seal of the corporation, and a statement in writing purporting to be signed by a managing director of the corporation, or by any person (by whatever name called) having, or being one of the persons having the management of the affairs of the corporation, to the effect that the person named in the statement has been appointed as the representative of the corporation for the purposes of this Part shall be admissible, without further proof, as. the Third Schedule to this Act, to which Sierra Leone is a party, and any . 195. (3) If the case is one in which bail may not be taken, the Court shall release the accused or the defendant on sufficient security being given that he shall be properly taken care of and shall be prevented from doing injury to himself or to any person or property, and for his appearance before the Court or such officer as the court may appoint in that behalf. Transfer and discharge of criminal lunatics. 23 OF 1ST MAY, 2014. A warrant shall not be issued in the first instance, unless the Information is in writing and on the oath of the person laying the same or of some witness in that behalf: Provided that a Justice of the Peace may issue a warrant upon an unsworn information if there is no Judge or Magistrate available within the area of jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court having jurisdiction in the area and the person applying for the warrant makes a statutory declaration that to the best of his knowledge and belief no Judge or Magistrate is available within that area. I,.(name and designation), make oath and say as follows:-, At or aboutm. in the.noon of theday of19, I personally, served upon..(name of person summoned) by.(state method of service) a summons issued, by(issuing Court) in the matter of.(prosecutor) versus.(accused) wherein the. he has given evidence against any other person charged with the same offence. (1) If a person committed for trial in the Supreme Court other than on a charge of treason or murder shall not have been tried by the end of the next criminal sessions after the sessions to which he was originally committed he shall, if in prison, on his application made in the last day of such first mentioned sessions be admitted to bail unless it be made to appear to the Court on oath that the prosecution witnesses or any of Them could not have been brought before the Court before the end of that sessions. Issued under my hands of.19. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF DEATH AFTER EXECUTION OF OFFENDER, I,.the Medical Officer in charge of the prison at.(or as the, case may be) hereby certify that I this day examined the body of..on whom judgment of. In addition to and independently of the facilities provided by section 30, it shall be lawful for any constable to detain any person carrying or conveying along any square, street, highway, quay or avenue or other public place any animal, matter or thing which such constable shall suspect of having been stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained, or in respect of which he shall suspect that any criminal offence has been, is being or is about to be committed, and to examine any box, parcel, basket, bundle, or other package carried or conveyed by such person which he may reasonably suspect to contain any such animal, matter or thing as aforesaid; and if such person does not give a satisfactory account of himself and of any animal, matter or thing such examination may discover, to arrest such person and cause him to be taken before a Court as soon as practicable to be dealt with according to law. Any compensation or expenses awarded under section 54 to 57 or paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 60 shall not be regarded as a penalty, but shall be recoverable as a judgment debt in the Court by which the order for payment is made: Provided that nothing in this section contained shall in any way affect or limit the powers conferred upon the Court by sections 59 and 60. 226. (1) Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the jury shall return a verdict on all charges on which the accused is tried, and the Judge may ask them such questions as are necessary to ascertain what their verdict is. Now these are to authorise and require you to enter on the record a statement that the proceedings are stayed by my direction. 214. 2. Clerk of the House of Representatives. 2198-2227 PDF of Act. (1) In a trial on indictment for murder or manslaughter, the declaration of a deceased person, whether it be made in the presence of the accused person or not, may be given in evidence if the deceased person at the time of making such declaration believed himself in danger of imminent death and entertained at the time of making it no hopes of recovery. 82. attend the Supreme Court at.(place of sitting) atmonitoring, on and then and there to prosecute (or to prosecute and give evidence or to, give evidence) in the matter of a charge ofagainst.(name of accused) and. 53. B. to commit the said offence. To.(keeper of Prison or constable). Restitution of property stolen or its value. And I hereby authorise you to enter by force into the.(Place to be searched) if you are not admitted after. Sierra Leone provides an interesting case study on the assessment of crime1 and the criminal justice system. Strangers in Diamond Protection Areas will purporting to be the will of C.D bond,.. 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sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf