can donkeys eat goat feed

Is a goat mineral block safe for a donkey? First, we suggest continuing to work with a vet. The only way for a human and a cow to, Assuming you are talking about cow's milk as a drink for a 1 year old: There are a lot of opinions out there about how much cow milk a 1, Cows need to be milked every day, otherwise their milk will dry up. All these extra nutrients can cause several health issues, some of which are quite severe. Part of the decision will depend on the age and condition of the teeth on the rescued donkeys. Phosphorus content is sometimes found to be low in natural forage especially matured grasses and is usually provided for in the feed. Donkeys can also be territorial when eating, so you may want to make certain that the dogs or goats do not disturb the donkey when it is being fed until it has been habituated a bit more. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Original if it is a mature donkey, SafeChoice Mare & Foal if it is a young growing donkey, Senior if it is an old donkey or equivalent products. The difference comes from how the feed is made. There is a LOT of sweet green grass. Hi Martha, Introducing a jenny and her foal to another horse or group of horses can present some challenges. 5. You may try using a small quantity of a ration balancer type product in case there is an undetermined deficiency. Avoid feeding potatoes, anything from the brassica family, onions, leeks, garlic, stoned fruit and anything which is old, fermented or mouldy as these are toxic to donkeys. They need to introduce to one another first. 2. Donkeys can also get mycotoxins from eating moldy food. Interesting question. The main diet of goats consists of hay and pasture grasses. Minerals are alkaline, and your donkeys body will do its best to become more alkaline if its too acidic. Goats will feed on grasses like bermuda and orchard grass. Feeds Made for Other Animals Arent Suitable for Donkeys. What would you suggest? Ive stoped the milk and gave her glucose water through the knight, this morning I started giving her 2%milk with 1teaspoon of honey in, still have diarrhe. The choice of seed for pasture can depend greatly on soil type as well as climate zone, so you local expert can really provide the best advice. I found this out the hard way. As long as there is enough pasture, space, feed, and water for everyone placed all around the general grazing and sleeping areas, everyone should be happy. Donkeys are desert creatures that evolved to . I would suggest you consider the following: Also (and this is critical), medicated goat feed can be fatal to a donkey. However, if they eat goat feed a lot, they may start showing signs of health issues. Hi Mona, If your donkey eats medicated goat feed, the results could be deadly, especially if they eat a lot of medicated feed. 1. This last problem caused by overeating protein will affect your donkeys GI tract and the good bacteria. They are not easy keepers as our 3 mares are, and want to make sure they do well this winter without doing them harm. Also the goat feed mix might not be suitable for the donkey eating it. If your donkey eats medicated goat feed, the results could be deadly, especially if they eat a lot of medicated feed. Even if its just 15-20 minutes a day or every other day, itll help. Thank you for your information/observation on red maple leaves and sorry to read that you learned about this the hard way if you lost an animal. In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Original if it is a mature donkey, SafeChoice Mare & Foal if it is a young growing donkey, Senior if it is an old donkey or equivalent products. Yes, donkeys can eat goat feed. Any suggestions to how to catch him? With all of the news stories, A ribeye is a beef steak that comes from the rib area of a cow. It's a tough cut of meat that benefits from slow cooking methods like braising or, "Are any milk companies kind to cows?" It's one of the most popular cuts of beef, and is known for being both juicy and flavorful., It's no secret that cow's milk is one of the most popular drinks in the world. For the grain, wed definitely recommend SafeChoice over a basic sweet feed itll have way more calories, and far less starch and sugar. You can also adjust feeding rate to produce desired rate of gain. At 6 cups a day, she is likely at the very low end, if not below, the recommended amount for her body size. His mother on the other hand has some serious issues. I am nervous about how I am going to put the Jenny with my mare and having the still nursing baby with them both. Nov 20, 2016 Thread starter #3 akamoot It is also usually the most expensive part of the feed. He also has a massive Lego city he built with his son, Alex, and is very proud of his daughter, Catherine, an accomplished graphic artist. He is happier but still a worry. The reason being is that puppies' stomachs are not fully developed and thus cannot digest cows, The amount of total digestible nutrients (TDN) required by a cow depends on her stage of life, pregnancy status, and milk production. 2. These signs and symptoms usually start at 7 to 9 years of age. One reason donkeys shouldnt be fed goat feed is that donkeys have far different nutritional needs than goats. You can use good quality forage or pasture and you can feed controlled starch and sugar products designed for horses and select a product based on the age of your donkey. Trust that you have had their teeth checked and had them dewormed. Things To Watch Out For Before Feeding Them Goat Feed. For example, if you make your goat feed at home (or on your farm) and dont fortify the ingredients with extra iron, protein, copper, and so forth, both your goats and your donkeys will have no problem eating the feed. He recommended Tifton hay but our local feed store does not carry it. Some, According to the website Heifer International, cows can eat squash. A good diet balancer product might then be appropriate fed based on desired body weight. Heres a video of one farmer mixing up feed for his goats. If the donkey consumed grain and had some discomfort (mouth feel/comfort, bitter taste, perhaps mild gas, maybe mild ulcer??) I just rescued a medium sized pregnant jenny last week. Whats the best food to feed a donkey, for example, and what will happen if you provide goat feed to a donkey? In fact,, The porterhouse is a steak from the beef hindquarter. I would not recommend over about 2 pounds of corn gradually added to the diet and would split that up into two feedings along with other feed. Thanks for the question! Thank you for any help! plenty of fresh water and salt/mineral block. I am mostly interested to know if this feed is okay to give her. The symptoms will usually start as restlessness, incoordination, and heavy sweating. ANY help is greatly appreciated as were really trying to get the pasture built back up. According, Making a powder horn from a cow horn is a simple process that can be done at home with a few tools and supplies. Multi-species products work OK, but this product has produced very good results. Thanks ~ Gina T. Hello, I rescued a male donkey approximately a year ago. One has skin issues and is definitely overweight. If youve adopted a donkey or one was given to you on your farm or homestead, you may have no earthly clue what to feed them. In fact, cows milk is recommended as a main drink for babies from around 6 months old, as it contains nutrients that are, Cheese is one of the most popular foods in the world and there are thousands of different types. She has some serious arthritis foot problems with what looks like mechanical damage to the hooves, however that occurred. I have two mini donkeys who are both suffering from different ailments. Thank you for your interesting question about your mini mule that has developed a taste for dog food. Donkeys are typically more efficient digesters, and thus easier to put weight on than horses. It is always important to monitor Body Condition Score along with hair coat, hoof quality and muscle mass to determine how the individual animal is doing. Both girls were under weight when we got them and do look better now. The individual that is overweight and has some skin issues may be showing 2 separate issues. While it should be safe, you would definitely want to consult the manufacturer of the supplement you would use, and make sure to adjust the feeding rate to account for the small body size it will most likely need a smaller dose than the standard scoop included in most supplements would provide. In more recent years, however, there has been a debate about the value, A standing heat is the period of time when a cow is receptive to mating and can be mounted by a bull. "Feeding squash to cows is a good way to add variety to their diet and provide them with essential nutrients., Assuming you're asking if a baby rabbit can drink cow's milk: Yes, a baby rabbit can drink cow's milk. The best companion for a horse depends entirely on the horse and the goat in question. Can donkeys get sick from eating whole macadamia nuts? Both have a perfect body condition score. You can also decide to handmix a goat feed mixture which will be suitable for both the donkeys and the goats though you would require expertise on this. But the donkey shows no signs of any health issues. Any advice on these issues would be greatly appreciated! I need some advise, Thank you so much! Think about the height of the feeder, or even something with a lip that the horse can get their head over to eat but the donkey cant. We have had a lot of success with rescue animals of all ages being rehabbed on Senior Horse feeds as they are very digestible, very safe (controlled starch and sugar with added vegetable oil) and can be fed at a feed intake that will allow the animal to recover and gain weight. As such selenium is often provided for in the feed with the use of trace mineralized salt blocks. Chocolate milk is made by adding chocolate to milk, not by any special cows. I feed 1/4 safechoice in the am. Some people like to eat, Assuming you would like an in-depth look at what cows eat in the winter: "Cows are ruminant animals, which means that they are able to extract a significant amount of, Its no secret that cows are a big part of the American food system. Hi , I I have a 10 yr old Mule, shes always braying even after she is fed. (doesnt seem to overeat.) Our concern is to avoid founder, or some other problem, with too much hay, but feed her enough to restore her weight and get her bones covered. Hope that this is helpful! We have them in an area (with a goat) where there is little to no grass and are feeding them barley hay. Thank you. Recently, July of this year, adopted 2 rescue mammoth donkeys. Is a mix of crab and Bermuda grass good for her too eat? Please note, if they are rescue donkeys who are underweight, theyll probably need more than hay and a simple supplement to get back into condition. When the foal is getting ready to be weaned and after weaning, I would recommend that it be fed a product designed for young growing horses at the recommended feeding rate. Another method is to put up fences that separate your donkeys from your goats and other livestock. One thing that goat feed doesnt have much of that donkeys, especially miniatures, need is salt blocks. Trying to stock up for winter. Always introduce new feeds gradually and caution must be given when feeding donkeys with dental problems. The tendency is to underestimate how much feed it takes to restore weight after it is lost due to neglect. I have read reports that if body condition score is higher than mid-range, they are somewhat prone to fatty lipoma problems. It is specifically designed to be fed in a very small amount, to limit caloric intake, while providing the needed protein, vitamins, and minerals for overall health. Since doing that we lost 2 donkeys. Even worse, you might believe everything is fine until your donkey suddenly starts fracturing bones, having trouble walking, and having other health concerns. I was told oats but heard that is high in sugar. Keep in mind where your donkey comes from. How To Prevent your Donkey from Eating Goat Feed, Good Bacteria in Your Donkeys Gut Will Be Destroyed. Robyn. Also, is it ok to give him regular horse feed. I had the same problem with my two mini donks and one of my two Morgan mares who let the donks eat some of her share of the feed. Let's get started! Which Shrubs and Trees Are Poisonous to a Donkey? We also give her one snack a day cut up a banana or carrot or apple. They have been used in sheep flocks to guard the flocks from threats such as coyotes. she yells all the time and chews on trees. Hi Jimmy, Thanks for the question. The Jenny is expecting She passed that evening. Donkeys evolved in sparse deserts and are good at feed conversion. Female mammals have mammary glands which produce milk for their young. I currently have a mare that needs the company. The Main Benefits Of Owning A Creep Feeder On Your Farm, Other Ways To Stop Donkeys Eating Goat Feed. We have26 acres for the 5 donks. Congrats on the new donkey! Some people also choose almond milk, When you are preparing cows milk for your baby, it is important to follow some simple steps to ensure that the milk is warm and safe for your infant to, There are many cow milk alternatives available on the market, but which one is the best? Even if they eat a small amount of medicated goat feed, your donkey could suffer permanent damage to their heart and other major organs. My question is what exactly do I feed him besides what he gets munching in the pasture? Goat feed provides goats with their daily requirements and nutrients including energy, vitamins and minerals. The first is to feed your donkeys in a different place away from your other animals. I owned a standard donkey for 30 years, the same BLM . What should you not feed donkeys? Most likely, its a dominance / pecking order thing, or possibly just a really bad habit shes picked up along the way. The first thing we have to do is understand that what the donkey is doing is normal donkey behavior that we want to modify to allow the donkey to be part of the team. I have researched what happened and I just want to ensure thus never happens again. Also, you need to ensure that parts of these trees and shrubs arent mixed with their feed or bedding. I was just wondering if theres a feed I can give her to help her gain weight without causing any health issues? The body condition that you describe with bony hips and can see ribs suggests that you do need to increase your mules energy intake. A donkey can kill a goat very quickly and viciously. Here are some good tips to follow when feeding donkeys: I have had donkeys for the last 15 years finding it a real challenge to keep them fit. My question is?? Hi Louise, Donkeys dont need the extra iron, copper, protein, and other vitamins and minerals usually added to goat feed. He respiration was at 48. Perhaps more interesting is why the dog food is attractive. It sounds like you are making progress in getting them back from under-weight condition. Pasture grasses are not always available all year round though and they are sometimes fed commercially manufactured goat feed. Although theyll eat it, it wont do them any good. Simple single source grains are best like rolled oats or rolled barley. Hi, I did put on gloves and lube him and carefully removed 3 dung pellets that he pushed toward my hand. The first thing we need to make sure of is that the goat feed is NOT medicated. Depending how its made, and what ingredients its comprised of, it could be fine for both species to eat. Welcome to donkey owning! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Although a small amount of unmedicated goat feed wont hurt your donkey, a goat feed diet can be harmful, and its best to use healthier alternatives. First, you'll, If you're looking for an organic way to fertilize your garden, cow manure is an excellent option. Best of luck! Corn chops or cracked corn can be added as an energy source. The donkey gets 1 carrot plus 1/4 cup or less of Omolene. The skin issue may be a function of a nutrient deficiency or imbalance. You can use the barley pellets if the donkey need to gain weight. Lack of phosphorus can also create eating behavior problems such as chewing on trees, fences etc. Thanks! The quantity fed can be increased gradually until the animals gain weight, then reduced to maintain the desired weight level. Feed about 1.5 2% of her body weight and adjust to her condition. While they are related to horses and considered an equid, the way their digestive system functions is much different donkeys have actually been compared to small ruminants in their capabilities to digest and utilize fiber. One reason donkeys shouldnt be fed goat feed is that donkeys have far different nutritional needs than goats. Eating braying. However in periods where lush pasture is scarce, goats are placed on hay and supplementary commercial feed. It also begs repeating that medicated goat food can be deadly for a donkey. Our goats and donkey pasture together. What can I give my old girl to fatten her up? All these extra nutrients can cause several health issues, some of which are quite severe. Within 12 to 36 hours, however, theres a very high possibility that your donkey will die. A donkey could serve as a good companion for Leo. The vitamins A and D are by far the most probable to be deficient in the natural diet. Seemed very healthy. If hes not still drastically losing weight, then he may be consuming his fair share of calories in pasture, especially as we come in to the warmer weather and pastures improve for the summer. No, baby donkeys should not be fed tomatoes as it predisposes them to a risk of harm. Its well known that protein is necessary for all mammals and that they cant sustain life without it. Im feeding her Timothy with the cows and secluding her so she can eat by herself during the day so they dont bully her away from the food. I considered an oatmeal, though now have read to not increase fiber. As goat feed is usually fortified with vitamins and minerals specific to goats, its not suitable for donkeys. Presently, my donkey has an older 20 + horse companion who requires a good nutrition. I also have another female that has turned into a monster. It sounds like you are right on track with the care for donkeys! Weight is primarily a matter of excess calories. Theyve never seen a donkey before so we would definitely have to slowly introduce him. Best of luck, In Nutrena, I would use either SafeChoice Senior or SafeChoice Mare & Foal or equivalent products. She is losing weight. Thank you for your interesting question about feeding the 6 month old standard donkey that you rescued. You face a common problem with donkey owners overfeeding. Because of the different digestive system of the donkey, they might eat up the goats feed and be full without actually getting the important nutrients they require and this can lead to health problems later. Depending on the space available, you may want to consider first putting the jenny and foal in a pen/pasture next to your mare that needs the company, with a safe fence in between and watch the behavior. These two were inseparable upon introductions. Note, though, that a donkey would be fed a balancer at a much lower rate than a pony. I have a mini donkey that I had given away but got him back after two years. There are other healthy treats and snacks you can offer to your foals to supplement their feed but you should totally avoid feeding tomatoes and others from the nightshade family. There are many reasons why cow is called gau mata or, Corned beef is a type of beef that is cured in a brine solution. Or is letting him continue to graze & wait for the fat to naturally recede fine as well? Just make sure you monitor, to make sure they adjust fine upon first using. Any further questions, let us know! Youll want to restrict their hay to 1.5 2.0% of their body weight per day. My rescue donks are going to have green pasture for the first time this spring. And Can They See in the Dark? Donkeys dont need the extra iron, copper, protein, and other vitamins and minerals usually added to goat feed. 3. Beef cattle are raised for their meat, while dairy cattle are raised for their milk. I dont much experience with donkeys, but I have heard that they are prone to founder, so I dont want to overfeed them. Nothing was open for me to get any kind of steroid or antibiotic. We would suggest introducing them slowly, for short periods of time to start, gradually allowing them to graze for longer and longer periods. From Quarter Horses to Arabians, from miniature horses to draft horses we all know that our equine friends come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Even though horses and donkeys are equines, horses have specific nutritional needs that donkeys dont, and vice versa. Is there a mineral thats not good for donkeys? Thank you for your interesting question about your 2 mini donkeys with different ailments. In countries like the United States we present donkeys with energy rich food and usually dont require them to work very hard for it. However, there are a few species of gladiolus that are poisonous to livestock. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hi Kellie, However, ionophores are EXTREMELY toxic to equines. 2. to feed fresh carrot tops to mini donkeys? Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Even if they eat a small amount of medicated goat feed, your donkey could suffer permanent damage to their heart and other major organs. Donkeys don't need the extra iron and copper. Some people believe that we are designed to drink cow, Assuming you are asking about American style beef cuts, you would get the following: 1 beef brisket 1 set beef ribs 1 beef round 1 beef loin Beef brisket is, What Produces Milk in Cows? Donkeys can eat goat feed however, it doesnt contain the necessary nutrients which they require and as such should not be made a major part of their diet. Weve read conflicting reports and have gotten ourselves pretty confused! Donkeys are known to go after goat feed however this should not be encouraged as they can get filled from eating goat feed and neglect their own food. Although donkeys do not have as many water requirements like other animals, always ensure there is a bowl of clean water beside their feed. Works great! You have some options as you may want to add both body condition and some muscle mass. Lastly, you can get a creep feeder. Try feeding Progressive Nutrition Foals First Starter and Creep Pellets as she is already 2.5 mos old. Hi Ive recently adopted donkey I do not have much experience with them he is friendly to humans and even lets my childrens ride on his back but he has a serious problem chasing my dogs and has even killed one of my goats is there anything I can do to help his behavior he is skittish if you raise your hands or move in a very fast motion anything you can do to help me with this would be appreciated. I have had to vets check her month to see if any thing is wrong there doesnt seem to be. Kloee is a backyard farmer and avid gardener who enjoys tending to her garden and plants. Baby donkeys should not be fed goat feed as goats dont contain the nutritional requirements they need to grow and survive. I know she is not a horse! Both can be very unhealthy and dangerous for your donkey. Thanks. 2. Make sure they have access to free choice water, salt, and minerals. I am currently giving her orchard grass hay and plan on getting a mineral block today. Alfalfa pellets/cubes can also be moistened and used if there are dental issues. If your donkey occasionally eats a little unmedicated goat feed, theres no cause for alarm. We are bringing the donkey and holstein over to our pasture soon and I want to make sure that we feed him correctly. Also, in regards to hoof issues such as laminitis, limiting access to the early hours of the day when the sugar content of the pasture is lower can be beneficial as well. Pasture for the donkey and holstein over to our pasture soon and want. Slowly introduce him under weight when we got them and do look better.! First time this spring over to our pasture soon and i just rescued a male donkey a... And avid gardener who enjoys tending to her condition the quantity fed can be deadly, especially they. Best food to feed your donkeys in a different place away from your goats and other livestock mos... Baby donkeys should not be fed a balancer at a much lower rate than a pony to eat a sized... A small quantity of a cow i am going to have green pasture the... And plan on getting a mineral block safe for a horse depends entirely the... There are dental issues energy source expensive part of the teeth on the horse and the good bacteria your. 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can donkeys eat goat feed