9th infantry division vietnam roster

9th Infantry Division "Hitler's Nemesis" The division insignia is a red-and-blue octofoil a design of eight petals with a white center. In two periods, May 11-12 and May 22-24, fighting reached its heights as all three infantry Brigades were in heavy contact with enemy units grouped for a possible spring offensive in the Delta. Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. A full archive of past and present "River Currents" newsletters from your friends at MRFA. In mid-January, the 9th Division became the first American infantry unit to establish a permanent camp in the VC-infested Mekong Delta. Click most pictures to enlarge. Operating out of Bearcat, the Queens Cobras began combat and civic action operations in the Nhon Trach jungles, 20 miles southeast of Saigon. [10] Other experimental units were the 1st and 2nd Airboat Platoons, which operated Hurricane Aircat airboats. Nicknamed "The Old Reliables" during WWII, the 9th Infantry Division served with the Mobile Riverine Force in Vietnam's fertile Mekong Delta, a vast maze of rice paddies broken up by rivers, swamps, narrow canals and dikes. The group as a whole was the 5th Mechanized Infantry Division, originally out of Ft. Carson, Colorado. Under the program, a battalion MEDCAP team will seek out area civilians with serious conditions or deformities and refer them to affiliated hospitals in Saigon. The 3d Brigade Go Devils accounted for 502 enemy dead in Long An Province and the infamous Plain of Reeds. The Divisions only mechanized battalion, the 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry, had a busy month as they fought NVA units killing 20 or more four times. The units also caught and pounded large Viet Cong and NVA units in several major actions while killing almost 3,000. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! It states, Here am I, Send me. [33][31][32], The combined arms battalions were organized as a mix of assault gun companies and light motorized infantry companies, with the heavy battalions fielding two assault gun companies and one light motorized infantry company, while the ratio was reversed in the light battalions. The 9th Infantry Division is a division of the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN), first formed from Viet Cong units in 1964/5 in the Mekong Delta region. 58 VC gas masks, 97 B-40 rockets, 46 B-41 rockets, 82,000 rounds of AK-47 ammunition and various other equipment. "335th Radio Research Unit"), 12 January 1967 5 April 1971, 99th Support Battalion, 1 October 1969 12 October 1970, 493 Military Intelligence Detachment, 3/9th Inf Div, 19 December 1966 - 20 August 1970, 9th Aviation Battalion (activated 21 April 1972), 268th Attack Helicopter Battalion (activated 1 September 1981), Company A, 214th Aviation Battalion (activated 1 July 1981), 1st Battalion, 67th Air Defense Artillery (activated 13 September 1972 - 1 April 1979), 1st Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery (activated 1 April 1979), 9th Signal Battalion (activated 21 June 1972), 109th Military Intelligence Battalion (activated 1 October 1981), Company A (former 335th Army Security Agency Company (activated 21 December 1977 - reorganized 1 October 1981), Company B (former 9th Military Intelligence Company (activated 21 December 1972 - reorganized 1 October 1981), 9th Chemical Company (activated 1 September 1981), 15 September 1986: Company A, 214th Aviation Battalion inactivated. The 60th Infantry was reactivated and assigned to the 9th Infantry Division. A furious six hour firefight left 230 enemy dead, while friendly losses were four killed and 67 wounded. More than 12,000 enemy were killed while 550 were taken prisoner and 248 rallied under the Chieu Hoi program. The 25th Infantry Division was formed on 1 October 1941 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Charles B. Elliott (August 1940), Brig. The largest contact was made when the 3d Brigade killed 78 enemy northwest of Tan An on Jan. 26. More than 100 enemy bodies were counted and over 45 weapons were captured. The 3d Brigade was involved in the heaviest fighting in October. Following a brief stay in England, the 94th began to land on Utah Beach on 6 September 1944, and moved into Brittany to assume responsibility for containing some . A sweep of the battlefield turned up 89 AK-47 rifles, 12 RPD Machine guns, two 82mm mortars and sights, 110 mortar rounds. [1] [2] Immediately the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry, together with the 2d, 3d and 5th Battalions, 60th Infantry, boxed in the disorganized enemy and took a heavy toll. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Previous Station: Fort Lewis Light motorized infantry companies were equipped with Humvees mounting a Mk 19 grenade launcher. Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. It is measured in the confidence and friendship that the Vietnamese people give to the Government of Vietnam and the Allied Forces and in this battle the 9th Infantry Division has proven a winner. Please check back if you cannot find who you are looking for at this time. After four hours of fierce fighting. Join us for our 2017 reunion by making a reservation today! In Memoriam : 9th Regiment History. 1ST, 4TH, AND 9TH INFANTRY DIVISIONS PANEL ROSTER Moderator: Wayne Novick, 22, SP/4, 1st En., 26th Inf., 1st Inf. The OLD RELIABLES have used every opportunity to help the Vietnamese people, making life a little easier in the midst of a war. Some were taken by friends or came from archives or other sources. Earl at his retirement . Unconventional Landing Basic Load Back In The World Thank You, Polaroid I reported for the draft on Oct. 12,1967 in Des Plaines, Illinois. Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. It is a chance to get to know the people and make friends. Units assigned to the 9th Division Division Headquarters 17th Infantry Brigade 45th Infantry Regiment 67th Infantry Regiment 26th Machine Gun Battalion 18th Infantry Brigade The following general rules are observed: Division level indexes are used for Division HQ and minor assigned unit personnel Brigade level indexes are used for Brigade HQ and minor assigned unit personnel Again the 6th/31st and 1st/16th were involved. My sincerest apologies for the delays in updating the roster. The 9th Infantry Division, an excellent unit, always raised the brave fighting spirit. 9th Signal Battalion and the typical support command unit with Headquarter Company and Band, 9th Administration Company, 9th Medical Battalion, 9th. Explore historical photos, gripping stories, poetry and song submitted by MRFA members. I have included B, C and HQ battery rosters in March 2012. In January over 1,000 of the enemy were killed by the 9th Division as Old Reliable infantrymen and supporting units pounded the already badly battered indigenous VC and newly arrived NVA infiltrators. From mid-December through January 1945, the division held defensive positions from Kalterherberg to Elsenborn. Arrived Vietnam: 30 Jan 1967 Nearly two weeks of extensive digging and counting yielded 1,140 weapons, 95.000 rounds of small arms ammo, 3,634 grenades, 2,273 recoilless rifle shells and 452 mortar rounds. Its reactivation, planned in 1971, increased the army's size to 13 . "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." Thank you for stopping by. [3] It was disbanded on 15 February 1919 at Camp Sherdian. 28 June 1969 For the second time in less than a year, OLD RELIABLES were honored with the Vietnamese Valorous Unit Citation, Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Armed Forces Level, in a ceremony held Jan. 14 in front of Division Headquarters. This brigade lived on the ships of Navy Task Force 117, and were transported on their infantry missions throughout the Mekong Delta on Tango boats (converted landing craft) supported by various other armored boats. Under the leadership of Major General Harris W. Hollis, the 9th Division eliminated 6,157 enemy during April and May 1969. Many battalions within the division have instituted what is known as the civilian hospital sponsorship program to supplement their MEDCAP work. 9th Infantry Division (United States) - Vietnam War Vietnam War During the war the division's units often served with the Mobile Riverine Force and other US Navy units that made up the Brown Water Navy. against one American dead and 15 wounded. APO.4002; -In the area of public health, the 9th US Inf Div has trained 158 public health cadres, given medical examinations and treated 708,588 persons. By 1984 the 9th Cavalry Brigade (Air Attack) was testing motorcycles for reconnaissance work in its reconnaissance squadron, the 3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry Regiment. All of these weapons systems were attached to the FAV by a mount designed to break away if the vehicle rolled over, which they were prone to do. Civil Affairs is many things to many people. Americal on Guadalcanal, and, alongside the 9th in North Africa, were the 1st Infantry, 3rd Infantry and the 2nd Armored Divisions.) The 9th saw its first combat on 8 November 1942, when its elements landed at Algiers, Safi, and Port Lyautey, with the taking of Safi by the 3rd Battalion of the 47th Infantry Regiment standing as the first liberation of a city from Axis control in World War II. -The 9th US INFANTRY Division -US Army. The 9th Infantry Division was reactivated again later in 1947 and served as a part of the NATO Forces in Germany from 1954 to 1956. The brigade was activated on 1 June 1966 at Fort Benning, Georgia, as the 199th Infantry Brigade (Light), with emphasis on counterinsurgency operations and mobility. With February came the awaited Tet offensive. After 32 years of active and reserve time he retired from active duty. The Divisions 3d Brigade headquarters and the 3d Battalion, 60th Infantry occupied Camp Dong Tam, five miles west of My Tho on a branch of the My Tho River. The FAV was designed to provide highly mobile firepower that could attack the flanks of heavier mechanized units. The octofoil, based upon the rules of the 15th Century, was the mark of the ninth son. -Many weapons of all kind, ammunition and important documents captured, Last date/time page edited 11/07/19 16:10. Strength: 900, 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry (Riverine) The brigade was comprised of 2d Battalion, 3d . Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec. 1966 The OLD RELIABLES will continue to serve their country Whenever and Wherever they are needed. Strength: 814, 5th Battalion 60th Infantry (Mechanized Infantry) Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories. The fight began when helicopter gun ships of Troop D, 3d/5th Cav made contact with the enemy. 9th US Infantry Division has greatly contributed to the destruction of the Winter-Spring Offensive Plan of the communists, Which attempted to launch devastating attack on Saigon and cities south of Saigon. Supply and Transport Battalion and the 709th Maintenance Battalion. The 199th later became known as the "Redcatchers" for its mission objectiveto seek out and destroy Communist cadres in Vietnam. In later years, it would become an important unit of the U.S. Army during World War II and the Vietnam War. In addition to building and repairing schools the division has helped by operating a school for Vietnamese children in Dong Tam. -Unit Citation Streamer in Civil Actions Honor Medal Color with Oak Leaf for the 9th US Inf Div Guidon and its Units mentioned in the list enclosed herewith, The action marked the first contact with the 261st VC Battalion. Follow Me. In the first five months of 1969, more than 200,000 Vietnamese were treated. The division has done much to assist the innocent victims of the war. 653 Brave Soldiers Who Gave The Ultimate Sacrifice SP4 Conley R Garland 01/07/1967 SP4 Charles J Feddema 03/05/1967 SP4 Robert E Bethune 01/12/1967 PFC Clyde L Keith 03/06/1967 PFC Jerry W Sprouse 01/15/1967 PFC Richard A Baglio 03/07/1967 . Later, U.S. and ARVN commanders credited the Division with achieving one of the biggest victories of the war. Departed Vietnam: 18 July 1969 In 1969, the division also operated throughout IV Corps. Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. Authorized Strength: 907, 6th Battalion, 31st Infantry (Infantry) During May, the Division continued to seek out and destroy the enemy in small groups. You can download the entire 9th Infantry Division Casualty Microsoft Excel file by clicking the file name 9idcas.xls , the file size is 606 kb. Deeper in the Mekong Delta on May 2, elements of the 2d Brigade collided with a force from the 514th VC Battalion. 18th Military History Detachment Sources: Red Thunder, Tropic Lighting, The World of a Combat Division in Vietnam by Eric Bergerud Vietnam 1965-1970, The 25th Infantry Division published by Turner Publications. For five years the Big Red One fought main force Viet Cong (VC) and regular North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces in the jungles northwest of Saigon. Arrived Vietnam: 1 Jan 1967 Fire Support Bases Occupied by A Battery From 8/24/68 to 8/24/69 A Battery Soldiers Wounded at FSB Crook in May 1969 The Joint Chief of Staff has the mission of executing this Decision. DS19 Item no. The 9th Infantry Division was also known as "The Old Reliables" or "Notorious Ninth". Activated on 15 Sep 1942. Major, Infantry (USA Ret.) The largest enemy contact of the month occurred one Feb. 20 when three companies of the 2d Brigade Mobile Riverine Force with supporting air cav, jets, and artillery killed 90 VC 10 miles east of Ben Tre. Resuming combat sorties in the Mekong Delta late in July, the MRF, bolstered by the 5th Vietnamese Marine Battalion, killed over 130 VC and captured over 75 weapons and an arms factory near Vi Thanh, about 20 miles southwest of Can Tho. [11][12], From 1967 on, one of the division's brigades (the 2d Brigade) was the Army contingent of the Mobile Riverine Force (MRF). This is the 9th Infantry Division. The archivists at the Center are most helpful and will photocopy material and mail it to you. In this program an American dental team with an interpreter visits the remote areas where people have never seen a dentist and know little about oral hygiene. We were positioned about 30 miles south of the DMZ (demilitarized zone) in the province of Quang Tri, South Vietnam. Turning east, the 9th crossed the Marne, 28 August, swept through Saarlautern,[5] and in November and December held defensive positions from Monschau to Losheim. Arrived Vietnam: 3 Jan 1967 The latest chapter of 9th Division history opened Feb. 1, 1966 when the OLD RELIABLES became the first division since World War II to be organized, equipped and trained for deployment to an overseas combat theater. Div.- US Navy Task Force 117 " 5th Battalion 60th Inf" Home Page More than 300 schools have been reconstructed and equipped, 447 bridges, more than 700 miles of road and 27 pagodas have been repaired or replaced as a result of the divisions program. rosters, reports, personal items, photographs, booklets, etc. THE CHIEF OF JOINT GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF VN ARMED FORCES DECIDES Early in August, the water-borne infantrymen plunged into the previously secure enemy lair of U-Minh Forest. Other advance parties of the Division were deployed to Vietnam by air, with the first group landing Dec. 8. 19.10.1943 Lt. Col. Homer S. Reese Assistant Chief of Staff G-5 31.05.1944 Lt. Col. Ellis O. Keller Adjutant General 19.10.1943 Lt. Col. Morris Braveman Other information Call sign Ivanhoe Divisional troops Top Infantry Field Artillery (FA) Other troops Attachments Top Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) Armor Cavalry Chemical Engineers In the Divisions first significant contact with the enemy on Jan 20, 1st and 3d Brigade units, along with the 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry, cut down 14 Viet Cong during Operation COLBY. On 16 February 1991 the 3rd Brigade was reflagged as 199th Infantry Brigade (Motorized)[50] with the following units: The remainder of the division's units inactivated on the following dates: With the support and aviation units inactivating in the same timeframe. Supporting the Division are two additional engineer battalions and an aviation battalion. 25th infantry division vietnam roster 25th infantry division vietnam roster. During mid-May, the Cam Son Secret Zone, 20 miles west of Dong Tam, became the target of a combined recon in force operation. The formal activation ceremony was held on 26 May 1972. It was also activated as a peacetime readiness unit from 1947 to 1962 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort Carson, Colorado, and from 1972 to 1991 as an active-duty infantry division at Fort Lewis, Washington. Each element protected the others as they closed in on the VC. 1st Infantry Division Read More: 212th MP (Long Binh) Read More: 23rd Infantry Division Read More: 25th Infantry Division Read More: 25th Infantry Platoon Scout Dogs (Bien Hoa) (An Khe) Read More: 26th Infantry Platoon Scout Dogs (Loc Niw) Read More: 2nd War Dog Platoon Read More: 33rd Infantry Platoon Scout Dogs (Pleiku) 4th Infantry Division . Commanders: Col . This is. The most intense fighting came during the peak of enemy activity May 11-12 when companies of the 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry and 2d and 5th Battalions, 60th Infantry rushed to support Vietnamese units and together killed 91 NVA. The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") is an inactive infantry division of the United States Army. - William Shakespeare, Henry V, Navy Cross recipients, Distinguished Service Cross recipients, and Medal of Honor recipients from the Navy Mobile Riverine Force and Army 9th Infantry Division. The official entry of the Division to Vietnam was recorded Dec. 19 when Major General George S. Eckhardt led an increment of 5,000 Old Reliables onto the beaches of Vung Tau, where they were welcomed by General Wiiliam C. Westmoreland, the Commander of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. Div provided 48,256 man powers to help the local people in repairing the destroyed houses, furnished 89 orphanages with construction materials, distributed 1,000 tons of food and 8 tons of clothes to the refugees of the Communist Danger, as well as provided active assistance in repairing 447 bridges, 1107 Km of roads, 27 pagodas and in repairing and defending the 4th Highway. Its lineage can be traced to the Hawaiian Division, which defended Hawaii from 1921 to 1941 . Throughout the 22 major engagements with North Vietnamese Army and Viet-Cong main force, as well as other thousand of small contacts, the 9th us Infantry Division and its attached units caused heavy casualties to the enemy with intense fire supports of artillery , armed helicopters and tactical air support. To overcome the biggest push of the war, the OLD RELIABLES gained momentum early and never failed to carry the battle to the VC. Its area of operations was in the rivers and canals of the Mekong Delta from 1967 to 1972. 9th Infantry Division, Viet Nam, 1967. In the fall of 1966, the 9th Infantry Division formed a division Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) Platoon after division commander, Maj. Gen. George S. Eckhardt flew to Vietnam on an orientation tour of the combat theater. When the 9th Division was reconstituted in the Regular Army on 24 March 1923, the 18th Infantry Brigade (5th and 13th Infantry Regiments) along with several other elements were assigned as active units; They formed the core from which the remainder of the division would be reactivated in the event of war. In November the 1st Recondo Brigade found large groups of enemy. For the first time in the nation's history, these Regular Army regiments were to consist of black enlisted soldiers. Unit awards, medals and ribbons, and information on applying for and obtaining your medals and ribbons. On 28 July 1866, the 39th Congress of the United States passed an act to improve the peace establishment of the nation. -In the psywar area, the 9th US Inf Div has carried out many loud speaker and leaflet dropping missions resulting in 8,949 VC Cadres rallied to the National Cause. OLD RELIABLES of the 9th Infantry Division were presented the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross with Palm, the highest unit valor award, and the Civic Action Honor Medal with Oak Leaf on 5 July 1969. The awards are in recognition of the divisions exceptional valor and extraordinary performance in combat from 1 January to 31 May 1969, and significant accomplishments in civic action since its arrival in Vietnam in December 1966 to 30 June 1969. The divisional headquarters remained active until 15 December 1991. Gen. James E. Ryan (October 1918 - November 1918) acting, Maj. Gen. Willard A. Holbrook (November 1918 - February 1919). They may also refer you to the: Unit Diary Section Commandant Marine Corps Records Service Section Previous Station: Fort Riley -Actively participating in the above glorious victories, the. Authorized Strength: 920. [citation needed]. Early in May, a warning order from I Department of the Army alerted the Division for movement to Southeast Asia during December. With the switch from Combat Arms Regimental System to the United States Army Regimental System the division saw a few of its units reflagged or inactivated: During fiscal year 1987 the army decided to inactivate the division's 2nd brigade, which would be replaced by the 81st Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) of the Washington Army National Guard. Concentrating on extremely successful Night Hunter operations, the 1st Recondo Brigade accounted for 1639 enemy dead. Through the above glorious achievements, the 9th US Inf Div has greatly contributed to the common struggle against Communism, as well as helped the Republic of Viet-Nam in its reconstruction. Previous Station: Fort Riley Departed Vietnam: 30 July 1969 This led to the division to develop the concept of "motorized infantry" from 1983 onward. In addition, OLD RELIABLE soldiers became teachers in four My Tho schools, teaching English two hours a week to 1,000 students. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! 113 likes. Item 1 : Troops of the 9th Infantry Division, nicknamed The OLD RELIABLES, have scored many major triumphs since launching combat operations in Vietnam during December, 1966. Go Devils of the 3d Brigade, like the rest of the Division, had no trouble finding the enemy in May as they killed 550 VC and NVA. The camp took its name from its Special Forces radio callsign. 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9th infantry division vietnam roster