ugliest countries in the world

They are never underhand or engage in sharp practices but always upfront and straightforward in doing business. Of course if you only speak about French and Italians it has as much meaning as asking : are neighbors friendly it is quite incredible how Americans are internationally unaware and politically unawakened. Furthermore your knowledge of Khmer history is rather sketchy most likely your sources of information s came from Noam Chomsky. ????????. With every slab of concrete they lay and every faux cobblestone they set and every neon light they plug in, they appear to have the goal of marring their landscape. the friendliest folks are those in Haiti. Im not surprised when u mentioned AED. This is what were talking about, not for any special case, isnt it? So far during my 3 years working there Id suffered from sort of discrimination. Austrians tend to find faults in others and enjoy pointing these out. Armed forces: None. can bully. they are the friendliest. Damn, they talk sweet bout themselves but what happens outside is tons of poverty. Not only that I can corroborate with other people- a friend of the family was yelled at by a rude and condescending cop in Vienna, and I know another person who wasnt in Austria but was on a tour with some Austrians and she said they were standoffish and grumpy. The rainbow is a symbol of hope. Whew! We dont speak fluent French, but we practice out phrasing and our attempt to speak the local language is appreciated and usually reciprocated by the French switching to English. Moldova's capital is an eyesore. The French can be ever so unfriendly, the main problem with them is their lack of English, when will the blighters wake up and learn to speak our language more fluently? I have visited there 7 or 8 times since my first visit in 1970.. The UK? Not enough data? About 90,000 people enjoy the privilege of calling themselves Andorran. Its going to be tough to build shopping malls up there.. For most developed countries, the misery index hovers between a very good 0.00 and a passable 20.00. In fact, in BA, they were very friendly to Americans (at least to us!!!). I speak French well enough to be understood and I find it condescending for them to switch to English but fortunately not that many speak English so no big problem. Although I find the Dutch to be a little crazy, the Netherlands is a very friendly country as well. Most Americans are friendly toward tourists. Especially in a double standard and no-soul city like dubai. Instead, people say, Cheap cigarettes! and Ten pairs of tube socks for 3 Euros! and Hooray, theyve just opened a new perfume outlet in Canillo!. All Japan SIM Cards It was such a nightmare that I will never set foot in that city or country again, will never spend another filthy florin in that despicable place and will never travel through the place if theres any way to avoid it. In fact it brought curious tourists and wealthy investors into the heart of the run down rust. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. Credit must be given, for theyve succeeded in both enterprises. People from the south call the North Yankees and the north call southerners red necks, people in Florida call the people who live there seasonal snow birds, yes I think the USA ranks very high in being rude, and uncivilized. Most Dutch, not all, are aloof and condescending. I love the country but the Spanish people Im not so sure about. In general Canadians are just like Americans but without that overwhelming desire to call attention to themselves that makes Americans so insufferable! Photo by Alastair Bland. its been 6 months that i live in France, near Paris and i speak french really well and yet they are extremelly rude to me most of the time. Lets first get one thing straight. As the world produces enough food for everyone, it is unacceptable that more than 800 million people are undernourished and that 14 million children suffer from stunting; perhaps all countries call for the label "ugly". This troubled land would be an undeveloped country, possibly even one of the [least developed countries]((/country-rankings/least-developed-countries), and a much worse place to live. One does not feel warm entering BVI. The residents of Buenos Aires are known to think they are superior , but the rest of the Argentines are very friendly. They even hate other Indians. The rudest people, by far, in my experience, are Americans. whilst most are friendly to your face, its so obvious that they are filled with resentment. Gosh, you absolutely true there. I have lived here for 1.5 years, always speak and write in Spanish and am polite and friendly. I work for a company run by Indian entrepreneurs based out of the U.S. and have travelled to India extensively. What is the ugliest place in the world? As I dont understand Indian culture enough, I was hoping you could help me understand the cultural differences, or basis for the behaviour of Indians. Quebec is wonderful and full of very happy people. You have to shout and yell to get basic things done (like get a telephone connection, fix your plumbing, get into a train/bus etc). Even within India there is widespread dislike of people from other races , castes , religion from India itself. My family was decimated by the Khmer rouge not by Americans bombs. Finally, the meal came and it was very good. They will quite frankly ask you why you are not rich, so fat, ugly, stinky, or poorly dressed. I would go back in a minute, or just as soon as the dollar regains strength. This clearly depends on individual experience. Thats one reason people in other countries find Americans so obnoxious we expect everyone to speak English, no matter where we are. PROGRAMAO. The problem is not rude nationals, its rude visitors. We'd be remiss to talk about the ugliest flags on the planet without mentioning the flag of Pocatello, Idaho. they list France as the number one in friendliest and rude? The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. Overall I have had the most problems dealing with hotels and restaurant personnel in France, especially in Paris and the fewest problems in Germany by way of contrast. was that little bag? Austria is beautiful. Thank you. Even if you dont speak much French, they will still be nice to you. 2. . 1 Lord_Sheev2612 8 mo. New Yorkers are very nice compared to the folks from New Jersey, there are other places in the northeast besides New York by the way. There is no difference between North and South Korea regarding the way they view non Koreans. China is my number 1 when it comes to MOST RUDE COUNTRY ( I am American living in Taiwan for over 20 year). Filipinos (Yes, Filipinos no PhilipPinos) are not rude, kind sir. I look forward to finally visiting Germany. Everywhere we went all people were most friendly. I couldnt find a hotel, everywhere was full. I had no problems with the green house they are well respected and treat their customers with respect. Everyone we encountered was horrifically rude. The island has powdery white sandy beaches and turquoise lagoon all . I am nt saying my family is. Even in countries where everybody speaks English, I always learn how to say, Do you speak English? in the local language. Im from the UK the polish are nice people but I notice they only wana know you when there working for you or drinking alcohol but Ive never had a problem with them never rude or aggressive. Being labelled the ugliest place in the world felt like a blow to the Belgian city of Charleroi. As I said, it is due to the overwhelming overpopulation and poverty in the country. Sophisticated, humble, generous and open.. After maybe 30 minutes he has a horde of angry Texas chasing after him. They're concrete jungles, or victims of urban sprawl or of lack of urban planning. My experience is if you treat people with respect and appreciate all you will be treated the same. World Capital Cities, Ranked From Worst to First By Lissa Poirot, updated on November 9, 2020 Getty A nation's capital is not just a place where laws and decisions are made. No mention of the people of Iran in this list! Currently GUATEMALA CITY is the ugliest place in the world. They can speak fluent English and are very helpful. On the other hand, picture a country whose residents must endure political strife (possibly even violence), rampant inflation, high unemployment, poor health care, substandard education, and uncertain security, with few social programs, let alone support for the arts. French 1England-Wales-Norway-. I believe the secret to the wonderful way people have treated us has been the fact that we always try to speak a few words in the native language. Colombia Colombia is a beautiful country, but drug-related crime is still crippling its reputation. Actually, the whole Philippines itself is underappreciated and underrated. Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. I guess the old saying what goes around, comes around is true in any tongue. There are good people and there are bad people. Its very, very bad! (There were, of course, exceptions, and we found exactly 3 Sicilians who were friendly, helpful and dignified.) 1. Central African countries dominate this list. They are sooo nice and friendly!!! Maybe its just my type of job, but I must say Im always impressed with people. The country you was describing was England, as Wales its small but with a big heart with Scotland as well as Ireland. After being dubbed the "Worst City Flag in North America" in a . However, both my father and I spoke some French, and we found people largely helpful and friendly, with the exception of one souvenir seller near the Eiffel Tower, who was probably just having a bad day. Portuguese women were not only labeled as ugly by the members of Beautiful People, but also by the forum users. You shared your experiences, and it is clear that your opinion is based on them. All Products, Our Story So, France people are BOTH nice and rude? I was often invited to stay at peoples homes. Sometimes the police will play basketball in the street with you!! if peole there are generally respect to each other in their own country, they will generally respect to foreigners. I found Besancon in the east of the country to be one of the least friendly places in the country. I differ with them on certain aspects of human rights such as gay rights but on the other parts I am in agreement with them. The three occasions in which I visited the country, I couldnt walk down the street without being barged into at least a dozen times on a daily basis. Meals were delicious; prices were very reasonable and service was great. I also find German people very easy to talk to and get along with as well. All one has to do is emulate and imitate their gestures; learn a few of their greetings, and they will love you. I pretty much have similar experience with you. We just got back from our second trip to England and Scotland and last year we also went to Paris. Im so glad I didnt listen to my friends and family who tried to convince me not to go there and actually Ill probably go back . I got the comments the type of flowers I gave dont keep as long as others and they usually prefer to give other types, that I had hard to read handwriting, and I shouldnt have gone to the trouble anyway. What about Japan, from my experience, Japanese are most polite in the world, hands down. friendly in the united states until you want to go out to eat with them or date their daughter, or be invited into their homes. I dont know, maybe I have just run into a very bad bunch of people, It might have been the luck of the draw. Guatemala City, Guatemala This fumes-and-crime-filled city is the capital of an otherwise beautiful country. There is good and bad in everyone. I have met people from various parts of the world before (Americans / Canadians / English / Chinese / French / Italians / Irish people) who have all been very nice. I used to hitch hike a lot in Italy for long rides. I found the people there, most helpful, courteous and obliging. In fact, all of Canada is amazing. 11. My life was pretty good there, people are nice and I made a lot of friends. France, I have been to Paris four times and most service workers like train staff or police were curt or unhelpful, definitely not friendly. Berlin's industrial areas are shabby and unloved. Blog Maybe his wish was that we spoke 50 languages including French, Lol. New Zealand people are by far the rudest. At a restaurant there were people from France there taking advantage of the waiter and being very very very rude to him, Israelis are the rudest people in the universe . Lets see which women are waithing for next on the list ofcountries with the ugliest women in the world. , Although, I find the Greek and the Austrians very friendly! Everyone is struggling for survival, so nastiness becomes a national trait. When on a recent African safari, I took the time to learn around a dozen phrases. Im planning to see Italy and Portugal soon enough and then I'd like to see Germany, Australia, Thailand and Brazil. Next year we are going back to Paris, and visiting Barcelona and Italy for the first time. Without excpetion, whenever soemone stopped for gas or a coffee, they would ask me in and pay for my coffee and or pastry. Note: Scores rank from 0.0 to 1.0. To be honest, I cant stand most Americans. Im American and I didnt see any rude behavior. But when the second Indian turned out very similar to the first, and then the third, and then the fourth, its hard not to form a sort of view. On top of everything else, the subway system was a sewer, and a really scary place overall. Not true. My experience of travel in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and England, dog owners are the friendliest people, regardless of their country of residence. I travel to the States often and never had anything even remotely resembling what you described in your post (knock on wood). Rudest. We value all of you. I am not ignorant I am only stating a fact. What is beauty and what makes someone beautiful? However and to their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest of us. I did this and the sellers would go away. PI has unbelievably polite and friendly people. They are very RUDE & do not respect others. We are frankly tired of dealing with Indians and their ways. The Quebecers are the rudest people, right up there with the Parisians. It looks more like a slum than a capital city, with most buildings appearing on the verge of collapse. Kosovo was rated one of the ugliest places in the world a few years ago, and I knew I had to visit to prove this wrong! Even the American airports are like that, as an American traveling around the country. This house's owner clearly got a carried away in paying homage to the luxury brand. the absolute worst. No problem mon is not just a saying; it is a way of life. The misery index is simple in concept. Im surprise no one comment about japan , however Finland and Germany was very rude when I checked in hotels , they had this very nasty attitude to customers . They had green mountains, trout streams and wildflowers; meadows and waterfalls, but Andorrans made their country the least charming in all of Europe. They never say please or thank you & REALLY mean it. For those of you who dont care to ever visit Andorra, who could blame youbut here are a few facts and figures on this funny little landlocked nation: Size: 180 square miles (about four times the size of San Francisco). My god people, wake up ,.Australia is NOT a paradise!!!! ), affordable, and Prague is a very beautiful city-wasnt levelled during WWII like the rest of Europe was. I accepted. This is the United States' fourth largest city when it comes to population, but the attraction sure isn't scenery. you have the occasional Mexican who is cosmopolitan, but that is a rarity, indeed. I also spend some time in China and the people are nice except when in line to buy something or see something-they will step in front of you and give you dirty looks if you say anything-. My brother married one. I want to take my parents there. We only stayed in 1 hotel while we were there and the people were amazingly nice. Its a country both blessed and blistered by prosperityand they can have it. Just a question for you, do you really, genuinely think that Algerians are the friendliest people living in France? Surprisingly, Spanish men are viewed as more beautiful than the Spanish women. I find people more polite than most places. 2. Canadians are awesome. One might say that Andorrans have done the best with what they havea river canyon cut into a steep and largely rocky mountainside. Billboards and name brands scream at travelers from every directionMcDonalds, Pepsi and all the rest. A friend is someone more personal whom you can rely on and wont stab you behind your back. I am Czech and proud of it,Most of us is not rude,but Prague is like od island in our country,they are rude tu us from czech countryside as well. Down the steep highway into the valley, I passed several towns consisting of cheap liquor and clothing outlets with a few hotels and restaurants. I essentially agree with Russia, china, Japan, USA, and maybe France. It never worked to offer ot pay my own or theirs. Very arrogant. Rainbow House. Well try them so kind Denmark is Geographically part of Scandinavia. My first six hours (out of 24 hours) in Budapest, Hungary, in March, 2008, were my worst travel experience in my lifetime of 67 years. Donatella Versace, Jocelyn Wildenstein, and Lizzie Velsquez also top the . The top hotel awards in the world go to Indian hotels each year and im surprised it isnt even mentioned in this article anywhere. Irish men and German women are the 'ugliest in the world' according to a controversial dating app that only allows attractive people to join (stock image) Those in Dublin are the most. of 5/100000 and a long etc., and we are supposed to be more miserable that someone. They live half a world away. Rudest possibly Morocco! So bad that when treated with mediocre service, it sparkles by comparison., We found the rudest people in Greece, beginning with the tour director to Rhodes, Delphi and Meteora. Its sad in a way as the Irish were once known throughout the world for their friendliness and helpfulness. Both women and men from China are surely a bit depressed and angry with the Beautiful People site. Try flashing money, acting lost, and wearing expensive jewelery and youll probably get mugged in you own home town. No wonder French people hate you. The city has the ranking of the most dangerous city in The Netherlands. I lived and worked with campesinos in the Dominican Republic for several years, and I found them to be astonishingly generous and friendly to strangers; never rude. IRIE means good feelings in Jamaican and that is what you will have if you go there. Very rude people!!!! People living in Taiwan for over 20 year ) own home town after 30! Mexican who is cosmopolitan, but that is what you described in your (. Didnt see any rude behavior country as well found Besancon in the world to... Both enterprises was very good is wonderful and full of very happy people people respect... For long rides for their friendliness and helpfulness is widespread dislike of people other. Is clear that your opinion is based on them its sad in a way the! Up,.Australia is not rude, kind sir they can speak fluent English and are very helpful was good... Geographically part of Scandinavia say, do you really, genuinely think that Algerians are the rudest,... 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ugliest countries in the world