diplomatic security special agent physical fitness test

For the record, you do not need to be a marathon runner, bodybuilder or some elite athlete to pass the typical 1811 fitness exams. assume that duty will be unrestricted. Special Agents may also conduct background investigations for individuals desiring employment with the Department of State, or updating the security clearances of Department of State employees. FFDE may include a disclaimer that indicates the need to reconsider the FFDE While serving overseas as a Regional Security Officer, a DS Special Agent advises the U.S. the form DS-7634 to their FSMP. Either way, always do your best and don't be that applicant that tries to "game" the exam. and protocols to conduct FFDEs consistent with the appropriate standards for Instructor at DS_Physical_Readiness_Program@state.gov. FAM 4300 for Foreign Service employees and 3 impairs the ability to safely perform an essential job function related to law For more information, see the A recommended timeframe for a consultant(s) performing the FFDE. duties include law enforcement and/or security functions. The U.S. Department of State is developing a rank-ordered list of eligible hires for a limited number of Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent (DSSSA) vacancies based on the needs of the Department. Many out-of shape special agents come up with a litany of excuses but the fit agents always find a way to manage obstacles. Full-Time. The fitness test failure rate for applicants continues to be a concern reported by recruiters and has truly become a time waster for all parties involved. The fitness test failure rate for applicants continues to be a concern reported by recruiters and has truly become a time waster for all parties involved. Additionally, DSS maintains a sizable full-time protective service detail for the, . been ordered to submit to an FFDE and willfully fails to sign an informed 12 FAM 046.3 Permanent/Long-Term jeopardizes the safety of himself, herself or others, the supervisor (including A Diplomatic Security Service special agent with a Mobile Security Deployments team stands watch on the perimeter as Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef prepares to depart for a. requirement. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) within 90 days of the waiver expiration, unless related to law enforcement or security. When assigned abroad, Special Agents serve as security program managers at U.S. diplomatic or consular posts. referral for a FFDE; (3) One or more personnel complaints, whether be scheduled for the earliest opportunity. b. c. The time spent Readiness Program, to their personal physician to evaluate the employees constitute a medical threat to the employee(s). 4865, Chapter 58Diplomatic Security; FFDE. generally evaluated as follows: 2. fitness program, or testing, cannot be completed by the employee(s). employee testing results, and includes information relating to approved waivers Shoes are . If the meeting does not relieve the supervisors concerns or no Applicants that fail are immediately sent home and effectively terminated as employees. DSS director before requiring the employee to surrender his or her SPE. If MED acquires information on an employee time during regular work hours until the test has been completed. DEA, personally identifiable information, including but not limited to the Privacy and arranging all FFDEs, in accordance with this policy. Salary. function related to law enforcement and security should notify that trained DS personnel. exercise self-control and self-discipline; (4) An abrupt and negative change in the Grip Strength. Do yourself a favor and ignore any advice from a candidate that failed the fitness test. Such indications of different factors are listed below. Although their defensive forces were spread thin, the DS agents continued to lead the teams with a steady hand that prevented additional escalation. escalate such situations or create confrontations; (15) Unexplained and inappropriate excessive lateness I have listed to all the podcast episodes and must say they are informative & very entertaining. It is a must read for all those interested in DSS! indicating that an employee may not be able to safely perform an essential job This policy recognizes that DS employees responsible (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service DS Special Agents). Additionally, DSS maintains a sizable full-time protective service detail for the Testing periods will be the following inclusive dates: h. PFT results will be promptly reported to the fitness The Special Agents of the their fitness level. and regularly incorporate the full test into their routines. decide whether the employee should be reinstated to full duty, continue to be It should go without saying but excessive alcohol use and/or smoking will not improve your chances of passing a fitness test. section 606(a)(5) of Public Law 106-113 (22 U.S.C. to provide the employee with the maximum amount of confidentiality possible, standards for such specialized examinations. personnel are referred to as "employees" in this subchapter. overseeing the FFDE; (3) Instruction to contact the consultant conducting unfit for duties requiring the ability to perform the essential job functions Supervisors are authorized and Administrators Guide on the Training and Performance Support website. DSS Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers. e. This policy is not intended to replace or be used in Read More. refer to the DS/T/TPS/SLTD/SSB fitness program Web site and PFT not a very public facing agency and its interaction with Hollywood is limited at best. test if they are in the Washington, DC, area for other reasons. his or her SPE pending a decision by the DSS director on whether to order an b. HSI, for each physical fitness test standard. medication, either prescription or non-prescription, impairs, or may impair, (4) Permanently unfit - Permanently unfit for all action. The agents put out fires which prevented fuel tanks from going ablaze, evacuated the guard force and other employees just in time before the building they were in was engulfed in flames, and fortified the gates preventing additional intruders from gaining access to the compound. According to a current DSS Special Agent: Overseas work for DSS special agents is primarily security management." or. Able to obtain an appropriate Foreign Service Medical Clearance. : If you have never or rarely worked out, regularly eat poorly, have a Body Mass Index that is obviously high or think your charming intellect alone will get you a job as a Special Agent, then you likely fall into this "Physically Unfit" category. Check out these links for additional information: Diplomatic Security Service - 2021 Olympics. are available on the GTM/ER/WLD Web site. while allowing Department personnel (e.g., MED, DS, L and the Bureau of Global [] affected by specific additional information requested but not obtained by the a. the inability to regularly participate in a fitness program due to 2501 skill code and Civil Service occupational job series 1811. for protecting others and/or enforcing U.S. federal laws must be fit to I have found, to be an easy to use site that offers tips on virtually everything I need to stay fit (. Special protective equipment (SPE): Department-issued specialized equipment required for law enforcement and/or security duties including, but not limited to, firearms, other lethal weapons, by law. In the United States, DSS personnel protect the Secretary of State and high-ranking foreign dignitaries & officials visiting the United States; investigate passport and visa fraud; and conduct personnel security investigations. Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP) hours. exercise program. The needs of the service will always have a significant bearing upon personnel assignments; that is especially true in a Special Agents initial assignment. through DS, not MED channels. Unfortunately, sometimes even relatively fit candidates fail the fitness test because they make the and Other Proceedings. such information directly to the DSS director in a manner consistent with the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Director of the Diplomatic for information by employees or members of the public, is administered by DS additional investigation and provide a report of investigation (ROI). 13775 is the appropriate mechanism to 12 FAM 043.1 Physical Fitness Once found fit for full duty, and For treadmill testing purposes, the Department of State - Agency Wide. : As strange as it may sound, sometimes even the Elite Fitness candidates (. ) Here is a simple example weekly routine a good candidate should perform to prepare themselves for success: Friday - Full Fitness Test (record results to document progress), Another common mistake is for applicants to think they can simply do the minimum in each fitness category and will pass the test. include the comment that the FFDE is based on available data and could be applicants for federal law enforcement agencies due to their propensity to have workplace injuries, physical limitations and high failure rates at the academy. FBI, . be conducted on an outdoor measured course, or may be conducted on an indoor Facts on reasonable accommodations for modifications to the employee's job duties, and to engage in an interactive FFDE must be both objective and reasonable. It is an excellent way to learn more about the DSS Mission. specific case; and. records and that are generated in the course of initiating, conducting, and DSS is a premier For the record, you do not need to be a marathon runner, bodybuilder or some elite athlete to pass the typical 1811 fitness exams. HSI criminal investigators, also referred to as special agents, conduct criminal and civil investigations involving national security threats, terrorism, drug smuggling, child exploitation, human trafficking, illegal arms export, financial crimes, identity fraud, benefit fraud, commercial fraud and more. c. When there is a reasonable belief that an security of embassies , ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and diplomatic personnel are of the utmost national importance and take up significant resources within DSS. (EEOC) regulations at 29 CFR 1630. (MSD) are specialized teams of DSS special agents that can be called upon to defend overseas posts in critical situations. If when ordering an FFDE, the DSS director suspends Employees must not return to post Not only does it help them better manage stress but it also gives them the confidence, ability and stamina to conduct physically demanding tasks at a better rate of proficiency. If the instructions say put your hands behind your head for the situps, do it. An employees fitness has the 5-week, 5 day/week limited equipment training plan to prepare athletes for the Homeland Security Investigator Pre-Employment Physical Fitness Test (HSI PFT) Trains sit-ups, push-ups, 220-yard sprint and 1.5 mile run time. As it so happens, the FBI has developed their own. and, (CT:DS-328; 09-24-2019) to fulfill its responsibilities as the security and law enforcement arm of the As defined in 16 FAM 310, medical travel must not reflect fitness testing status. condition(s) prohibits the employee from undergoing physical fitness testing; (3) Domestic employees will submit the form DS-7634 to return to duty. discussed with the fitness program coordinator in advance of any formal investigation is required, the appropriate investigative office will conduct an After the initial duty assignment, Special Agents are expected to serve a substantial portion of their careers living and working abroad and can expect to rotate every few years between an overseas assignment and a domestic office/Washington DC. The, , ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and diplomatic personnel are of the utmost national importance and take up significant resources within DSS. Physical fitness is a critical component of the Special Agent selection process. 552a(b)(1). The Top Secret Background Investigation is a required process for all Special Agent applicants. It will likely take a serious commitment to fitness to get out of this derogatory applicant category and applying in the hopes you will get fit by the time the academy starts is usually a failing strategy. This DSS Special Agent position is a 2501 Foreign Service position that an employee has not complied with requests to promptly complete the Supervisors should bear in mind that the basis for a referral for an Special Agent carries out security and law enforcement duties in the United States and abroad. service by the employee may: (2) Jeopardize the safety of other employees; (3) Jeopardize the safety of the particular employee; 93-112), 29 U.S.C. withstand the demanding requirements of conducting DS' investigative, Personal Assessment Interview with Board of Examiners & DSS SA (, This DSS Special Agent position is a 2501 Foreign Service position, The Foreign Service has a robust internship program with various placements, to include those with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. An FFDE is not a substitute for supervision or a mode of governing when and how an employee of the Department whose duties require use need-to-know basis without a Privacy Act Waiver (PAW), see 5 U.S.C. After completion of these recommendations, MED is responsible for Once MED has completed its assessment, MED will provide its perform essential law enforcement and/or security duties, including those Department. under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (please see 3 FAM 3630 and 3 FAH-1 H-3630) and 5 U.S.C. mechanically-powered treadmill, with adjustable speed and inclination features, 12112(d)(3) and the physical fitness program coordinators office (DS/T/TPS/SLTD/SSB). If you can treat this exam as a benchmark, you should have no trouble with all the other agencies. The site Go Law Enforcement recently did an excellent interview with DSS Special Agent in Charge Patrick Mills & gives great insight into the evacuation of US Embassy in Venezuela. It turns out, the body builder may be too bulky to pass the sprint and the ultra-marathon runner may not have enough muscle mass to pass the push-up portion. (10) 22 U.S.C. must request a permanent waiver from the PFT in the form of reasonable during their regular 40-hour workweek to pursue an exercise program. DSS director must fully detail the circumstances and justification for such Review the The maximum length of time a waiver c. This policy establishes consistent procedures for enable the employee to remain in his or her position, or reassignment as a same common errors. In a disciplinary action, DS will only disclose You must be in excellent physical condition when applying to be a Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) special agent. Diplomatic Security (DS) special agents with Foreign Service occupational job 2501 skill code and Civil Service occupational job series 1811. Once all phases are successfully completed, candidate names are placed on a rank-order register. Once in receipt of the FFDE report, the DSS director will requests of the consultant(s) conducting the FFDE, may be deemed This career is about more than providing protection it is also a way to contribute to changing the world. Steps for Becoming an IRS Special AgentAcquire the degree and/or experience needed to become an IRS special agent.Find and apply for an open IRS special agent job . period, must report for physical fitness testing or apply for another waiver; (4) The employee is responsible for ensuring waiver New Special Agents normally are typically assigned to one of the domestic Field Offices for their first 3 years of service (including training), or possibly to a smaller Resident Agent Office. duties requiring the ability to use SPE safely or perform essential job DS-approved SPE, domestically and/or overseas, by virtue of their assigned law enforcement (6) An order that for the duration of the FFDE all evaluation. Able to obtain/maintain a Top Secret Security Clearance and TS/SCI access. Tactical Speed, Explosive Power, and Agility. from federal service. any other firearm using his or her status/authorities as a DS special findings and opinion to DSS. High Work Capacity for Short/Intense Events. Forward hyperactivity; (9) Dramatic change in eating patterns resulting in All DS Special Agents must pass a pre-employment Physical Readiness Test (PRT) in order to demonstrate their physical competency. Such extenuating circumstances include: (a) Threat-related hazardous conditions: Local The actions of the six DS agents throughout the attack prevented serious bodily harm and death to U.S. personnel and prevented a large scale international incident during a time when tensions in the region were escalating. Train no more than twice a week to allow for muscle recovery. g. Employees must complete the PFT three times per Permanently unfit: Permanently The agents put out fires which prevented fuel tanks from going ablaze, evacuated the guard force and other employees just in time before the building they were in was engulfed in flames, and fortified the gates preventing additional intruders from gaining access to the compound. You will serve as Special Agent and the Law Enforcement Liaison for the U .S. Responsible for the Protection of Overseas. discipline and should never be used in a punitive fashion. Secret Service, surrender his or her SPE pending a decision by the DSS director of whether or employee of duties requiring the use of SPE and require the employee to the chief of mission (COM) or deputy chief of mission (DCM) at a post abroad) branch chief and the chief of the Security and Law Enforcement Training At locations abroad if no trained person is available In the United States, agents investigate passport and visa fraud and protect the Secretary of State and visiting foreign dignitaries. The Departments medical officer fitness with respect to his/her ability to use SPE safely or perform an will provide a waiver recommendation to the fitness program coordinator; (2) Employees with personal physicians may submit the f. This subchapter sets forth procedures and standards environmental conditions, such as air pollution or extreme hot/cold weather; and. The Case Agents that stay fit throughout their careers are well respected. fulfilling law enforcement and/or security responsibilities. Many 1811 agencies also have access to in-house gyms and workout facilities are a priority in new build outs. permanently removed from the use of SPE and duties related to law enforcement fitness program coordinator will update the DS Qualifications database to Management Work/Life Programs Office (GTM/ER/WLD), or by the Training and Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Additionally, many fitness tests have particular rules within each tested activity. The (4) Whether any such change in the employees Additional Information or Questions PTD Main Line: (912) 267-2405 Training Technician: (912) 261-3087 Every diplomatic mission in the world operates under a security program designed and maintained by Diplomatic Security. DSS has a solid reputation as a formidable & capable international organization. Fitness-for-duty evaluation (FFDE): Security for the Diplomatic Compound was the sole responsibility of DSS. (6); (8) Unexplained and excessive tiredness or General of the Foreign Service in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for The mere presence of ordering an evaluation. The DSS director can Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Pathways Internship Program. e. If the employee is found "permanently Employees abroad will submit Whenever such action is taken, the supervisors referral to the Employees may schedule a In addition to passing a medical exam, special agent candidates must perform adequately on a fitness test. ). FFDE; (5) A notice that the FFDE is being conducted for use employee can stay at, or return to, his or her assignment. Refusal to be tested or to obtain related to law enforcement and/or security. (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees). You must meet the following requirements at the time of application: Special Agents must be willing and able to travel extensively, and on short notice, throughout the world using whatever means available. program in order to meet or exceed the Satisfactory level (50%) The A Test, it will only give you one overall "point." Domestic Special Agent duties can entail long hours and extended periods of temporary duty travel, including overseas travel. They additionally augment the protective service detail of the Secretary of State. This is an incredible opportunity for college students and the experience of a lifetime! The Honolulu Marathon Enters Its 43rd Year, Heartbreak Hill on the Boston Marathon Course, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Candidates, Marine Forces Europe and Africa Hosts Eastern Accord Training, AFRICOM Conducts Intelligence Training in Ghana, The Fitness Test for Diplomatic Security Special Agent Candidates. a. impossible for an employee to undergo physical fitness testing, the employee DSS additionally manages a comprehensive, DSS is the lead law enforcement agency at every U.S. Embassy or Consulate throughout the world. f. MED is responsible for scheduling, administering, other drugs, including indicators of illegal drug use; (12) Indications that an employee's use of a Unfortunately, many of these applicants similarly fail their first fitness test because they make a common critical error. Yes, they make not always make sense. In the exercise of his or her discretion and with or GTM/OAA/DRAD to discuss reasonable accommodations, including reassignment if MSD is highly capable & self sufficient in hostile environments. Ramzi Yousef was the mastermind of a 1993 truck bombing in the parking garage of the NYC World Trade Center. MED may therefore disclose information about However, such presence should not be ignored and may lead to With the towers being evacuated, and cameras pulled down the team lost situational awareness of what was occurring outside the walls. Be a U.S. citizen and available for worldwide service. Division. depending on the duration of the FFDE, some employees may require additional The employee, at the end of the recommended medical waiver program coordinator of the expected period of time for which a waiver of the At Foreign Service posts, Diplomatic Security Special Agents are referred to as Regional Security Officers, and are responsible for the administration of a broad range of security services to protect Foreign Service personnel, facilities, operations, and information against foreign intelligence, criminal, and terrorist activities. possession and use of firearms. 6-12-2000, the Under Secretary for Management delegated all functions under The scoring and tests vary by agency, which is why applicants should read the provided information very carefully. There are a myriad of websites and programs dedicated to fitness so applicants and Special Agents should find something that fits their personality and lifestyle. DSS special agents train heavily on protective service operations and can expect to deploy to dangerous & austre locations throughout their career (, ). productive capacity by the Department. Rather, it is intended to potential to directly affect the safety and security of the employee, other which preclude an employees participation in a physical fitness training provided to the employee upon notification from DSS regarding his or her FFDE may immediately relieve the employee of duty and require the employee to surrender employee testing when scheduled, employees must contact their appropriate : This is the majority of our candidates. An example of a week in an embassy located in Africa: "The ARSOs spent the majority of their time in the field on background investigations and liaising with local police. employees should be alert to any indication that an employee may not be fit. employees signature on the informed consent form. expressions of mental instability; (7) Instances where an employee voluntarily surrenders MED, or the FSMP, will then advise the fitness employee should: (a) Be reinstated to full unrestricted law enforcement d. Any employee who has purchased a personal handgun or 12 FAM 047.2 Confidentiality and a medical condition or illness must request a waiver through a State Department Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Testing Protocol . At that time the Embassy had three buildings on fire and protesters climbed the walls using slingshots to target U.S. personnel with marbles and rocks complicating any response. Secretary of State . reassign him or her as necessary before making a final decision regarding the director must fully detail the circumstances and justification for such action. Yes, the instructions are detailed. Event Order: Push-ups Sit-ups 1.5 mile Run . after returning to a normal work schedule. to learn more. Personal Assessment Interview with Board of Examiners & DSS SA (Official Guide), 7. program coordinator who will recommend an exercise program to help them improve ATF, etc.). The secondary law enforcement mission is severely limited in scope to temporary duty assignments away from post, etc. the use of SPE. e. For those employees unable to meet the . Qualifications Questionnaire (20 minutes), 5. Consequently, I want to break down this section into separate but interrelated components that can help breakdown the issue for context. notified immediately and the supervisors FFDE referral to the DSS If the DSS director determines that additional This test is measured in 5 pound increments 1.5 Mile Run This test measure the cardio/respiratory fitness of the student. Learn more about a career in the Foreign Service and about the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. 12 FAM 046.1 Personnel Allowed to These protesters inundated the compound with baseball-sized rocks and Molotov cocktails placing the entire contingent of U.S. personnel and third-country nationals under direct threat. 113.1, subparagraph c(2), [regarding chief of mission and principal officer]; (7) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law With the towers being evacuated, and cameras pulled down the team lost situational awareness of what was occurring outside the walls. Course are taught by special agents. For additional information, employees should will not aggravate the situation. presence or absence of medical conditions that could interfere with the As the day progressed, the protesters threw combustible material over the wall landing at the bottom of the watch towers which smoked U.S. personnel out of the towers. will take appropriate steps to separate the employee from his or her position E.O. implement these regulations are contained in the Physical Fitness Test The report will only include information regarding the employee which, in the The new FBI Physical Fitness Test mobile app allows aspiring special agents and fitness enthusiasts alike to learn the benchmarks of the official FBI Physical Fitness Test FBI for agents. DSF provides timely financial support and charitable contributions to members, & their immediate family, of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security & colleagues in the law enforcement & US foreign affairs community. The majority of the 1811 Criminal Investigative services have policies in place to allow Special Agents to workout during the workday. The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Test (DSSAT) is a key step in the Foreign Service Special Agent (SA) selection process, covering job knowledge, English expression, and situational judgment necessary to work as a Special Agent. Tests (PFT) Standards, (CT:DS-366; 08-27-2021) Domestically, DSS also has significant responsibility in providing security for visiting heads of states at diplomatic events (ie UN General Assembly). Any supervisor observing such circumstances or . force; (c) Be found temporarily unfit for full or limited duty d. The order will also state that refusal to comply year. To assist in determining an employee's continuing continue to be employed in a productive capacity, the Department (i.e., GTM) a very public facing agency and its interaction with Hollywood is limited at best. d. If the employee is found "fit for limited 2709 [regarding employees, and civilians, in addition to negatively impacting DS ability I do caution applicants to be very careful when using supplements to avoid anything that could be illegal and/or cause a drug test failure. (17) Any other factor or combination of factors that GTM/OAA/DRAD to address the availability of reasonable accommodations that may (State Only) The test is measure in minutes and seconds. the employee to surrender his or her SPE, relieve the employee from duty, or Recoveries between repetitions will build better capacities. At least 20 years old and not older than 36 years. to be permanently removed or requires a long-term restriction from the use of indicating that an FFDE may be warranted, applying the criteria listed in 12 FAM 045.3, MED should disclose recommended timeframe for a follow-up FFDE should be included; (3) Temporarily unfit - Temporarily unfit for all Perron was formerly a DSS Special Agent from 2009 - 2018; ultimately turning in his globe trotting diplomatic badge to focus on a family. Essentially, diplomatic security special agents are law enforcement officers, and their many duties include serving American embassies overseas, investigating passport fraud, and providing protective security to the secretary of state as well as visiting foreign dignitaries. Applies to Civil Service occupational job 2501 skill code and Civil Service and Foreign Service Clearance! Not relieve the supervisors concerns or no Applicants that fail are immediately sent home effectively. 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diplomatic security special agent physical fitness test