star wars theory what if anakin killed palpatine

The prophecies don't appear to have originated with the Jedi Order, and there's no reason to assume the Sith weren't aware of them - even Maul acknowledges a Sith version of the prophecy inthe final moments before his death. Somehow, Palpatine would return one way or another, and he would need to be defeated. Many things would change.In th. It's confirmed in various points throughout the modern and Legends canon that Palpatine used the force to manipulate all elements of the world around him, from suppressing the Jedi's force abilities to helping his henchmen become more proficient at combat. Clearly Anakin was at least expected to be different to all the other Apprentices. The Emperor has always insisted he was gifted with the power of foresight, but in truth the key to his success appears to be his Machiavellian nature. Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, as well as a Peer Mentor for new writers and a member of the Care Team, offering support and a listening ear to members of the Comics group. The winner of such a duel is anyone's guess, but perhaps Vader would have stood a chance, not being confined in the suit and all. Anakin ignites his lightsaber and starts fighting Windu. But even if he did, maybe the clones would have opened fire on Vader afterward and killed him after he has fulfilled his destiny. Anakin was on the right side of Palpatine and Leia was on the left. According to the novel Darth Plagueis, young Palpatine first discovered the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force while collecting . Check out \"What if Order 66 Failed\" which is also animated similar to this style.Thank you for watching today's video. Unlike the golden protocol droid, R2-D2 never had a full memory wipe, so he was well aware of all events that happened around him. Just as Lama Su would have had Omega killed as soon as her DNA was extracted, so I believe the Empire will . Anger was his ally, and it felt overwhelming. But I truly believe that, in the end, Anakin cares most about his family, and the light would have won him over sooner or later. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Star Wars Theory: [SPOILER] Was Behind the Death of Anakin's Mother. Fan Fictions are BACK! A graduate of Edge Hill University, Tom remains strongly connected with his alma mater as a volunteer chaplain. In Legends canon, Jedi have emerged from their ranks, such as Sharad Hett and A'Sharad Hett. Star Wars Theory Story and Reason Behind Darth Maul's Double Bladed Lightsaber Dooku's Reaction to Qui Gon Jinn's Death If Qui Gon Jinn Trained Anakin Skywalker? By eliminating her, Palpatine would be the only one left for Anakin to turn to and therefore would have complete control over him. He's been shown interacting with the Nightsisters, a dark side cult who have their own mystic ways of surviving death; learning from Lord Momin, an ancient Sith whose consciousness was preserved inside one of his Sith helmets; and he even researched clone technology in order to create new bodies to transfer his soul into. Related: Palpatine's Contingency Plan To Kill Vader: Order 151 Explained (In Legends). It is not until Obi-Wan cuts off his limbs that we see the yellow eyes again. In Revenge of the Sith, of course, it became clear that Palpatine manipulated circumstances to turn Anakin to the dark side. As usual, Anakin supported Ahsoka and her decision to help Bo-Katan defeat Maul. Palpatines plan succeeded in Revenge of the Sith thanks to Anakins desperation to save Padm Amidala (Natalie Portman), leading him to turn to the dark side when he felt the Jedi were incapable of granting him the power to keep her alive. By popular request - What would have happened if Anakin Skywalker never Killed Count Dooku in Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith? KEEP READING:Star Wars: Boba Fett Vs. Darth Vader Nearly Ended in a Surprising Death. Much of this, however, flies under the assumption that Anakin would have regretted killing Obi-Wan shortly afterward. Anakin's fall becomes imminent after he has a dream of Padm's death. InStar Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine told the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise, a Sith Lord who learned how to manipulate the Midichlorians in order to create life. If this theory is correct, then Anakin Skywalker was created by Palpatine as a corruption of the Chose One prophecy. Every moment that passed made him more powerful in the dark side, and soon, even more powerful than his new master. RELATED: Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: The Crossover That Will Never Happen - and Why, The theory was started by Reddit user Steinrikur on r/FanTheories, where he claimed he believed Palpatine either framed the Tusken Raiders, or outright manipulated them to make sure this key moment in Anakin's descent occurred in precisely the way that would best benefit Palpatine. We know Palpatine manipulates the Separatists and the Republic, secretly plots the creation of the Clone Army, and indirectly convinces Jar-Jar into giving Palpatine emergency power. Earlier in Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine sits Anakin down and tells him the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padms death on Vader. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is the third film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and is regarded as the best prequel film. He used Anakin's arrival to fool Mace into thinking he's feared of losing and weakened by his fear and let Mace disarm him (passages 3 and 4). That being said, Vader could have still used his own blue-bladed lightsaber (or maybe even looted Kenobi's and dual-wielded) to try and kill Sidious. Chosen One prophecy aside, let's say what would have happened if Sidious killed him here. It's certainly possible. It's entirely possible Palpatine created Anakin Skywalker to be the ultimate future host for his corrupt Sith spirit. And in one last stand to protect his children, Anakin would have tried to strike down Sidious if he were the one who arrived. Would Darth Vader still be born? With this incident, maybe he would have gone mad and unleashed the power of the dark side against Sidious upon his arrival. This can be retroactively explained by that pesky in-canon Marvel comic book Darth Vader #25, in which a flashback. ", The theory also notes how the Empire previously tried to frame the various attacks on Tatooine on the Tusken Raiders in Star Wars: A New Hope. The Republic was losing the Clone Wars at the start of Revenge of the Sith, and without Palpatine hamstringingtheir forces behind the scenes, the Separatists could unleash scores of their deadliest units, such as the Scorpenek Annihilator Droid and the B3 Ultra Battle Droid, in massive numbers. In Legends canon, Jedi have emerged from their ranks, such as Sharad Hett and A'Sharad Hett. The person whom he loved the most, whom he turned to the dark side to protect, died by his own hand and now is left with nothing. Which leads to the other aspect of the theory suggesting the Tusken Raiders were framed. Rey is often accused of being a Mary Sue, which is accurate to a . In fact, if it wasn't for Mace Windu's determination to kill Palpatine, Anakin might've had him arrested and continued as a Jedi. One such pivotal moment is the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar at the end of Revenge of the Sith. WHAT IF ANAKIN KILLED PALPATINE IN REVENGE OF THE SITH? Star Wars Theory: Palpatine Created Anakin To Possess & Become Immortal, All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best, recent tie-in comics have suggested that wasn't the case, Star Wars 9 Theory: Palpatine Never Existed, It Was Always Darth Plagueis, Star Wars Canon Already Explained How The Emperor Survived Return Of The Jedi, Darth Sidious took Dooku on as apprentice several years before Maul's death, Star Wars 9 Confirms The Skywalker Saga Is Sheev Palpatine's Story, Every Upcoming Star Wars Movie & Release Date, Rise of Skywalker's Palpatine Reveal is Star Wars' Smartest Marketing Yet, Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2019), MCU Vibranium Theory Answers Major Origin Questions, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Set Up Shrek 5 Entirely By Accident, New Lord of the Rings Movies Announced From Original Trilogy Studio. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entire Star Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that Anakin was conceived by the Force itself, but recent tie-in comics have suggested that wasn't the case. In a throwaway, blink-and-you'd . Already in the position to issue Order 66 and rechristen the Republic as the Galactic Empire, Palpatine merely waited until he had Anakin on his side before enacting his sinister coup. Anakin Skywalker could have been twisted into Palpatine's pawn from before he was even born - and a potential host for the Emperor's spirit. But, while the Jedi eventually came to realize they'd been played, it's possible Palpatine's plans were even more complex. If the tale of Darth Plagueis is true, Palpatine could have used this power to siphon the Life Force out of Padm and use it to save Anakin after he was gravely injured by Obi-Wan in their duel. Star Wars: Could Palpatine Have Wiped Out The Jedi WITHOUT Order 66? , where he claimed he believed Palpatine either framed the Tusken Raiders, or outright manipulated them to make sure this key moment in Anakin's descent occurred in precisely the way that would best benefit Palpatine. Toward the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin was reunited with his former Padawan when Ahsoka Tano came to ask for the Republic's help in the siege of Mandalore. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entireStar Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. However, one of the biggest problems audiences had with the film was Padms death. At Audible you can find the largest selection of audiobooks -- ranging from best sellers and new releases, to celebrity memoirs, languages, business, motivation, and more like, original entertainment from top celebrity creators, and thousands of popular and bingeworthy podcasts!________________________________________________Today's fan fiction: In revenge of the Sith obi wan went to Mustafar in Padmes ship to confront anakin and defeat him, as per orders from Yoda. Not hearing the sounds of the twins crying, Anakin carefully slips out of bed, slips on a robe, and walks out into the living room of his and Padme's apartment. If Vader did kill him, however, I believe that the clone troopers would not have been loyal to Vader. Anakin accompanied Obi-Wan on what he believed would be one final mission, and it culminated in a moment where Obi-Wan summoned the full force of the Republic to deal with the crisis. In fact, there are hints that he may have been subconsciously subverting the Empire for the entirety of the original. Or maybe Yoda would have somehow come in contact with them and shown them the light and why they would need to overthrow Sidious for the good of the galaxy. Said obi-wan, as Anakin used the dark side of the force to jump way over Obi-Wans head and slice him into bits, sending him down the lavas river bank. By having Palpatine murder Padm, the origin of Darth Vader becomes that much more powerful. Darth Sidious (Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace) Truly, the most powerful Sith Lord was Darth Sidious, better known in his public persona of Chancellor (later Emperor) Palpatine. We know Palpatine manipulates the Separatists and the Republic, secretly plots the creation of the Clone Army, and indirectly convinces Jar-Jar into giving Palpatine emergency power. Every Star Wars Theory Explained. While Anakin choosing Windu over Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) seems like it would solve every issue in the Star Wars saga, he, the Jedi Order, and the Galactic Republic would still have plenty of issues left to tackleconsidering the sheer scope of Palpatines schemes. I find it hard to believe that order 66 would have been enacted, not sure if Mas Amedda or anyone else close to the Chancellor knew of the protocols. Perhaps Sidious had someone in mind to rule in his place in the interim. According to the junior novelization ofStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, the Tusken Raiders took Shmi deliberately in order to goad the colonists into pursuing them, so they could launch a series of deadly traps. He's already planning on making Anakin his apprentice long before he disposes of Dooku. A lot is happening in the galaxy during the time of the show, as according to Disney "The story begins 10 years after the dramatic events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith where Kenobi faced his greatest defeat, the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker turned evil Sith Lord Darth Vader." From big franchises like Harry Potter, DC, or Star Wars, to classics like Rocky, Titanic, or Ten Commandments, to the underrated like Timeless, Merlin, or Castle, Marie has always loved films and television. In truth,Darth Sidious trained Darth Maul to be an assassin rather than a prospective Sith Lord; he saw the Zabrak as nothing more than a tool or a pawn. I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you in the next one! The theory ran that Palpatine knew Plagueis' secrets, and used them to conceive . One of the earliest signs that Anakin Skywalker was destined to be one of the galaxy's greatest villains was when he murdered the men, women, and children of a Tusken Raider tribe that kidnapped, ravaged, and murdered his mother, Shmi in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. Release date: May 16, 2002 Cast: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen A few years later, Anakin is training as a Padawan under Obi-Wan Kenobi when the now Senator Padm Amidala's . Toward the end, Windu even briefly overpowered Palpatine and was prepared to kill him when Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Jedi and severed his lightsaber hand. Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon are all fighting over the fate of the young Anakin Skywalker at the time. if Mace Windu Killed Darth Sidious? "Leia you might want to borrow one of my gowns for tonight. As shown in both canon and Legends, however, Palpatine is capable of returning from the dead. The clearest impact of Anakin choosing Mace Windu over Palpatine is that he would immediately fulfill the Chosen One prophecy and destroy the Sith rather than join them as Darth Vader. This was then followed by the arrival of Emperor Palpatine and some clone troopers. Most beings arent familiar with the Sith, and the few that are might not believe them to still exist. "The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural," Palpatine observed inRevenge of the Sith as he told the story of Darth Plageuis the Wise. Star Wars' Plagueis Retcon Makes Anakin's Dark Side Fall Even More Tragic. She is usually that person after watching anything who says, "that's not the way it was in the book" or "what if they had done this instead?" I would have to believe if that was the case then the Jedi Council would step in for some type of transition. The Star Wars saga would be completely different if Anakin Skywalker saved Mace Windu and killed Palpatine, creating new challenges for the Jedi. What if Anakin just prodded his lightsaber deep into Palpatine's spine as he turned his back on him? Meanwhile, Anakins secret wife Padm gives birth to their twin children: Luke and Leia. Assuming that the Republic eventually defeated the Separatists and ended the Clone Wars, the Clones were created to serve the Republic, which might want to demilitarize yet again after the Clone Wars. Palpatine is the main villain of theStar Wars saga, but could he have secretly beeninvolved in the death of Anakin Skywalker's mother Shmi? Palpatine wanted Anakin to try to kill him, since that would be the act of the Dark Side. The Sith Lord who prided himself on seeing the future could have unwittingly brought the Chosen One prophecy into play, guaranteeing that the galaxy would head for balance rather than darkness. What's more, the threat to the Emperor isn't over; notice that the prophecy doesn't state that the Chosen One will himself be the agent of balance. Vader lusts for power, and he very well could have stood by Sidious' side, even if Padme and the droids got away, and he might have spent years trying to find his children. Marie Barros was born and raised in Canada. Jar Jar Binks is a fictional character of the Gungan race from the Star Wars saga created by George Lucas.Jar Jar appears throughout the Star Wars prequel trilogy - as a major character in Episode I: The Phantom Menace, with a smaller role in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and with only a one-line cameo in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - as well as having a role in the television . While Anakin would later tell Palpatine about his attack on the Tusken Raiders, Palpatine very readily uses it as a point of manipulation against Anakin, to convince him to give into his violent urges once again. As such, Palpatine may have believed that through manipulating the Midichlorians he could personally bring about a twisted version of the Chosen One, creating a being of unique and unprecedented Force potential. ?This one is a little more analytical than just action pack. This visionseems to suggestthat Palpatine himself created Anakin Skywalker. In addition to outing Moore and Amedda, the Jedi may have to rely on Republic politicians who fought against corruption before the Clone Wars to help reform the Republic. Anakin only paid attention to the idea of keeping his wife alive through the dark side, but many fans believed this was really Anakin Skywalker's secret origin story. Padame goes into labor in a medical facility and Anakin begs Palpatine to teach him before his vision comes true. The Clones wouldn't have executed Order 66, which means Obi-Wan can return to Coruscant and reunite with Anakin. In the comic series, he has to seek out and kill a Jedi and then corrupt that Jedi's crystal, so corrupting the one from his former master would have been the ultimate test in this scenario. According to Cliegg Lars, a hunting party came out of nowhere and kidnapped her, taking her prisoner. Anakins ultimate desire to save Padm from dying in childbirth would almost certainly become a reality, as he wouldnt become Darth Vader, which ultimately caused her demise in the film. I want to see what would happen if Yoda had gone to fight Count Dooku and Palpatine instead of Yaddle in Tales of the Jedi. However, mind control only works on the weak minded. But let's say Vader is somehow successful getting aboard Padme's ship. We also offer ebooks, audiobooks, and more, for only $11.99/month. Thanks to the recent trilogy, some might say Rey is the new big hero of Star Wars. So with Palpatine manipulating everything throughout the prequels, this begs the question: did Palpatine either make the Tusken Raiders murder Shmi or frame the Tusken Raiders in some way? A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. Was Anakin his creation all along, designed as part of the Sith Lord's quest for immortality? That's so much the case thatKieron Gillen'sDarth Vader comicsdescribed the Emperor'sactions after Mustafar as a Sith heresy. Into the Sequel Trilogy era, Darth Sidious would presumably be just as interested in Kylo Ren and Rey, an ominous prospect forStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Did any other Star Wars fan stop and wonder who the real hero of the franchise really is? The theory doesn't necessarily cite evidence from the film to support this, but there are implications that this could be true throughout Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Listen as we uncover more details about Anakin's reaction to Plagueis cheating death and what Anakin actually did next as he pondered this incredible news. The only explanation given in Revenge of the Sith for Padms death is that because there is nothing wrong with her physically, she has lost the will to live after seeing Anakin turn to the Dark Side. Enjoy and don't forget to write your thoughts down below too, I love reading your posts.Facebook Page - if Order 66 Failed? That would certainly be in keeping with his casting similar dreams into Anakin's mind years later, inStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Sheev Palpatine, also known by his Sith name Darth Sidious, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.Initially credited as the Emperor in the original trilogy films, he serves as the main antagonist of the nine-film Skywalker saga, in which he is portrayed by Ian McDiarmid.. RELATED:Incredible Star Wars Fan Comic Retcons Boba Fett's Biggest Blunder. Here is a very old fan fiction from 2017 \"What if the Younglings Killed Anakin\" which I had a lot of fun making, now turned into an animation! Darth Vader #25 culminated in a vision in which Vader explored his own past, and as part of this he saw a glimpse of his mother, already pregnant. "Anakin alright. Loves different varieties of coffee. Sign up for exclusive articles, top articles, and sales. He promises Anakin he can save his wife but if he becomes. Moment that passed made him more powerful her decision to help Bo-Katan defeat Maul Skywalker saved Mace killed. Have a great day, and sales on Mustafar at the time ; secrets, and he would need be... By popular request - what would have happened if Anakin killed Palpatine in of... 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star wars theory what if anakin killed palpatine